The First Day of Many

Start from the beginning

"Lock the door until I get to the other side." He commanded, shutting the door. I started to wonder why, but I realized that the people outside were probably crazy enough to open up the door and tackle me.

He came around to the driver's seat, and I unlocked the door in a hurry. He got in, started the car, and proceeded to back out of our parking spot.

Dodging the people, he began to chuckle. "Why are they this crazy?"

"I don't know." I lied. I knew that I used to be the same kind of crazy about him. "Is it like this everywhere you go?"

"Pretty much."

"Wow." I mumbled.

"Yeah..." Harry trailed off, and I became aware of the possibility of an awkward silence with Harry Styles. Wouldn't that be great. "So, how do you want to get to know each other?" Harry asked, to my relief.

"Umm, I don't know. 20 Questions?"

"Sounds good. You go first." He smiled.

"Why me?" I laughed, and he shrugged innocently. "Ok fine. Ummm, let's see...what do you look for in a girl?" I teased.

He grinned cheekily. "I like girls whose name is Charlotte." He said, winking.


"But true."

I giggled, feeling myself blush insanely. Did he really just say that?!

"What do you look for in a guy?" He asked.

"Well, I like blonde, Irish guitar players who eat a lot."

His face became unreadable, and he didn't say anything. I couldn't tell if he was mad, hurt, or just looking for a witty comeback.

"I'm kidding." I giggled, and I watched his face become readable again. Relief.

"I don't want to play this anymore." He said quietly to himself, and he reached over to give my shoulder a shove.

"Hey!" I laughed, pretending to be hurt. "Now, where are we going?"

"Where should we go? You're the one who lives here."

"I live about 7 hours away! But I guess I've been here before. Umm, I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"Whatever you want to do."

"Hmmmm. How about...getting a snow cone?"

He chuckled. "A snow cone...? Ok, sure. Sounds good. Where's a good snow cone stand?"

"There should be a mall around here somewhere with a snow come stand. At least, I think so." I said, looking out the window at the town passing me by.

"Ok. I'll keep driving."

I was obviously self conscious. I mean, who wouldn't be? Driving in a car with the world's most wanted boy, who I happened to have been in love with from the first time I saw him. But Harry had a way of making me feel so...almost comfortable. I didn't feel free to be completely myself around him, but I knew I should've. I was just afraid he wouldn't like me once he got to know me. At least he got me to loosen up.

"There we go." Harry pointed out the mall, which was right off of the road we were on, to my surprise. "There's a snow cone stand here?"

"Should be."

He turned into the parking lot and grabbed a parking lot.

"Are we going to get mobbed?" I blurted out nervously without thinking. I really didn't want people to see my with Harry. I wasn't ready for death threats.

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