Chapter 65 Part 2 🌙

Start from the beginning

Oh gosh, why did I have to remind myself of Sasuke? I can't believe I lied to him like that. . .and he barely believed me! Damn me and my heroic actions, right now me and him could be having fun on a cute dango date where he gives me all of his food but no! I'm stuck here saving my shitty hometown from a self proclaimed godly ninja while having to confront my childhood difficulties.

This is nowhere near as fun as a dango date.

And what if he finds out? How would I somehow make it up to him? Ugh!

Tsunades voice snaps me out of my daydreaming, and I almost wish that I was still not listening to her. "Haru. . I know that this must be difficult for you. . and it may not be the right time so say this but. . . I just wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you." She tells me. My breath suddenly hitches, uncomfortable with the words of fondness.

I guess it could be said that I've formed a barrier around myself as time has passed. A complex one. One that Ive only allowed Sasuke to break through. Although I'm not sure if its actually the case, but I've managed to convince myself that everyone from the leaf village hates me in one way or another.

That includes Kakashi, Tsunade, my old friends, anyone possible. I convinced myself that they all despised me, and in a way, I did that as self protection. I built those negative thoughts so that when I'm faced with the reality of them actually hating me, it doesn't hurt as much.

So being faced with comforting words from Tsunade. . . It just makes me feel odd. Despite my reaction, she continues. "I trust you completely, ignore those who don't for now. You're saving the leaf village despite everything. You're an honorable kunoichi."

I avert my eyes from her amber ones, uneasy with her positivity. "I don't know what to say to that." I say, biting my inner cheek when she smiles at me. "You don't have to Haru."

Theres a piercing silence before Naruto breaks it.

"Now may not be the right time to ask a question like this... But now that I've mastered Nature energy I'm able to sense everyones chakra just like Haru always would.." He begins to which I arch a brow. "Is Kakashi Sensei on a mission away from the village?" He asks.

I stiffen, noticing her lack of an answer. "I see." He says quietly, more so to himself than anyone else. I turn back to Okami "You go kill of Peins summonings in the village, I'll call for you if anything." I order, to which the wolf obediently nods. With nothing left to say, Naruto's gaze hardens. "Go Gamachi!"

I nod, and the two giant summonings are gone with a second, leaving Naruto and I alone with Pein. It all begins so fast that an untrained eye could never be prepared for it. Pein's female version suddenly rises up and begins to use her own summoning jutsu. A rhino with the rinnegan appears, coming straight at Naruto.

I don't even take a step away when the rhino comes raging towards us, low and behold Naruto takes ahold of the situation, grabbing onto its horn and stopping it from moving forward. With extreme power, Naruto flings the rhino in another direction, eliminating it from out battle.

Of course, the rhino summoning wasn't the only jutsu that the female pein could produce. "Summoning Jutsu!" She slams both hands on the floor, and two huge summoning animals appear as well.

The two frogs that came with Naruto already know their place, as they jump from Naruto's shoulders and use a sage art jutsu to derail the animals. "Sage Art: Frog Song!" They both yell, yellowish sound waves emit from their mouths and successfully hit the summonings.

Deciding that my demeanor awfully calm for someone in a fight of this magnitude, I join in on the battle as I begin running towards the group of Peins now that the two summonings are being stopped. My steps were in sync with Naruto's and I barely looked back to see him when I noticed that he stopped running.

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