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Lotor's POV

When we got back to the palace I fixed Lance a plate of what Lance called, "Space goo but the good kind". "What do you mean by 'the good kind'?" I asked while scooping up a spoonful. "Well the goo at the castle is green and taste like nothing but very stale at the same time." He said looking at the florescent pink goo in his bowl. "Green? That's awful!" I shouted. "Well, you should be heading to bed. You've had a long, month? Is that what humans call it? Sleep is important, we'll be training tomorrow." I said once we we're done with the food. "I dont wanna sleep. I want my kaltenecker." Lance pouted. "If you beat Zethrige is training tomorrow I'll get you a kaltenecker." I said. "Hmmmmmmmmm...fiiiinne." I groaned. To make sure he got to her safely and without sneaking off I followed him to his bed. "Good night, Lance." I waved goodbye and shut the door. Great, now I need to find a kaltenecker but only if he wins so maybe I dont need to get him a kaltenecker. I was walking down the hall to talk to Ezor about something when I heard claddering above me. I looked upwards to only see some ventilation passageways. "Lance. Are you in the vents?" I asked the vents. "No." A reply came after a moment to silence. "Get down from there. You could get injured or get in trouble." I explained while smacking the vents. "Okay, okay! I'll get out!" He yelped and then smashed through the vents. "Was that necessary?" I asked. "Well there were no openings near by so I made my own opening, you're welcome." He while bowing. "Um.. Thank you?" I said while he laughed. "Awwww! Going on another date?" Someone behind is asked. We both jumped and looked behind us to see Ezor. "I-um, No! We've never dated before!" I exclaimed while I felt my face heat up. "Awwww! Look Lance! Your boyfriend is blushing!" She giggled. I covered my face in my hands at the embarrassment until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Lance smiling up at me; I smiled back down at him. "Awwww!"

Was this chapter short? Yes. Was this chapter horrible? Yes. Will the next one be longer and better? Indeed. Sorry for taking long to post something so small.

Drowning in Depression [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن