A witch will always ruin everything.

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Lance's POV

I rushed down the hall to Allura's cell. When I reached her cell I flung the door open to see her in the corner facing the wall. "Allura, we've come to talk about peace." I said once Lotor was behind me. "Peace? You call knocking me out and kidnapping me peace?" She said facing us. "Well you did kill Shiro and we knew you wouldn't come willingly so we had to knock you out." I explained. "Well I shouldn't be in this disgusting cell! I should be in a regular room, with a bed!" She nagged. "When did you become so needy? We just want to talk about peace for the universe. If you just agree everyone will become free. The paladins may return to Earth, we'll bring Coran, and you can do whatever you want." I said. "You're lying! You're part of the galra, what makes you think they'll just change their ways?!" She yelled.

"Princess, this is not just about you. This is about the universe. If you keep attacking us then that means the galra will never stop fighting and conquering planets. Think about the planets and species that you fought so hard to protect and free. If you don't surrender and bring peace then those planets will fall again." Lotor said stepping in front of me.

"How do I know that you're not lying?" Allura asked, glaring at Lotor. "If I turn out to be lying and try to enslave and kill the other planets I will kill Lance." Lotor said with a straight face.

"Yeah see, he's not bad- wait what?! You would kill me!" I screamed. "Only if I were lying, which I'm not." Lotor said and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I nodded and looked back at Allura. "See, Lotor would kill his general. Will you now except our peace?" I asked hopefully.

"Fine," Allura sighed. "but if you're lying you have to kill that traitor! I want it in writing so you won't back out of it!" She demanded. "Of course Princess. My general shall now escort you to a new room of your liking." Lotor said gesturing to me. "While you go to a new room I will write up a treaty of peace." He said leaving.

"Okay Princess, this way." I said leading her out of the cell and into the halls. "I can't believe you chose Lotor over us." She said, venom dripping from every word that came from her mouth. "Well I really wasn't given the option. It's not like you really wanted me on Team Voltron anyway. Lotor really gets me and he's not as bad as you think. A little crazy at times but not bad." I said.  "Ugh, you disgust me." She fake gagged. "My rights don't end where your feelings start." I shrugged.

After many twist and turns I stopped in front of a door. "Here you go Allura. I hope this is to your liking. Not that I care, I just want you to stop complaining." I said and opened a door. The room had gray walls, a twin sized bed, a side dest, and a light that hung from the ceiling.

"This will do, you may go now." She shooed and slammed the door in my face. "Geez, someone on their period?" I groaned and walked away.

I walked around the halls with no real destination in mind. I didn't want to go to my room, too empty. I didn't want to go to the paladin's room, too awkward. I guess I'll just walk around, I feel fidgety anyway.

As I turned a corner a ball of quintessence shot at my left shoulder. I grunted in pain and reached for my shoulder. Really? Now?! Everthing was going so well?!

"So you've returned." She growled. "Nice to see you too Witch." I waved. "Why are you here? I thought the paladins got you?" She questioned. "Funny story. I got kicked out, landed on a planet, found out I can do magic, and forced the paladins to sign a peace treaty so that means that galra can't do evil things anymore." I chuckled. She must've not found it funny because she growled and shot another ball of quintessence. "You fool! You think the galra will stop because of a human told them to?" She yelled. I was engulfed in black particles and smoke. Once it all dissapered I was now in the cell I was locked in months ago, tortured by a clone of Lotor. "Shit." I muttered to myself.

"Are we really doing this again?" I yelled at the walls since Haggar wasn't really there. The door opened and Pidge, Hunk, and Matt walked in. I used my water abilities to force the paladins to come forward. They grunted in pain as they came towards me. "Are you the real deal or are you clones? Tell me!" I demanded. Their skin started to shift into murky colors and changed heights. Hunk became skinnier, his hair became shorter, and also became gray. Pidge became smaller (is that even possible?), hair became longer and blue, and turned tan. Matt stayed the same mostly but turned tanner as well and Altaen marks became known. Now that I look at their faces more I noticed that all of them had Altaen marks. I gasped and released them from my watery hold. "Altanes?! I thought you all died!" I exclaimed.

It took a minute to come out of shock and the Matt imposter spoke. "H-how did you do that?" He asked. "Magic water powers. Are you really Altaen?!" I asked again. "Yes, we escaped Altea before it was destroyed but we were found shortly after by the galra." Podge imposter said. "What are your names?" I asked.
"Norburt." Hunk imposter said. "Nubby." Pidge imposter said.
"Fred." Matt imposter said. (I was in a very giggly mood and sleep deprived while writing these names.)

"I'm Lance. Why were you sent here?" "We were told to torture you looking like your friends, we were not told why." Nubby said. I nodded and sighed. "Any idea of how to get out of here?" I asked. They each one said no. "Well, expect to be here for a long time. Last time I was here, I was here for two weeks." I confessed and slid down the wall.

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