You should probably go.

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Lotor's POV

"Dont worry paladin. He should he fine. Please make sure he makes it back to Earth safely. Take care of him for me, please." I said softly. "Of course Lotor. You're not such a bad guy. Good luck to you Lotor." The yellow paladin said. I nodded and walked to my room. I single tear slid down my cheek as I walked away. I opened my door to see Acua against the wall with her arms crossed.

"May I help you?" I asked. "No but you can help Lance. Why do you push him away if you like him?" She asked. "Why should you care? This is my decision and mine alone. Why should I go anyway?" "Because he's your boyfriend and neither of you know it yet." She said with a straight face. "Wha-what? No! We're not dating!" I defended. "Yea, whatever. The generals and I will take care of the empire while you're away if you reconsider going. You can check up on anytime but I really think you should go." She said as she left and closed the door behind her.

I stood there thinking until I thought I should talk to Zethrige. I walked to her room and found that her door had been decorated with glitter glue and stickers. I knocked on the door and she soon opened. "Hello Prince Lotor." "Hello Zethrige, when did you decide to decorate your door?" I asked and she made the face of disappointed. "While I was training Lance thought it would be an amazing idea to put glitter and stickers on my door. Let's just say, when I found out he couldn't walk for a couple days." She explained. 'So that's why he refused to train with us and then asked if I could get him some ice.' "Actually I came to talk about Lance." I confessed. "Figures." She said rolling her eyes and motioned for me to follow.

"What do you think I should do? Do I go? Do I stay?" I asked running a hand through my hair. "Go. The empire may need you but Lance needs you more. You saw his panic attack and his spurts of depression. If you don't go, he'll die. You can always come back to check on the empire." "But if I go I'll leave the empire exposed to threats and attacks from former enslaved planets. Plus I'm I former war criminal, I'm the bad guy. I don't want Lance seeing what I've done and think it's the right thing to do, I don't want him to become like me." I confessed.

"One, if threats and attacks come while you're away we can handle it, we're galra! Two, Lance idolizes you but I don't think he'll end up enslaving planets any time soon. He's a good kid, he knows right from wrong. I really think you should go." She stated. "Thanks Zethrige. I'll keep that in mind." I said and walked away.

Next stop Ezor, I should probably ask all the generals so everyone gets a say in the matter. I knocked on her door but there wasn't an answer. I knocked again but still no answer. Then the green paladin walked but holding a bundle of mechanical parts. "Tiny paladin. Do you know where my general is, the pink one?" I asked. The paladin thought for a bit until their face lit up. "Yea, I saw her in the kitchen with Coran." They said and then went on their way. "Ezor's usually not one to cook." I stated questionably.

I started to walk towards the kitchen until I heard yelling, then I ran to the kitchen. I swung open the door to see a goopy mess everywhere! Ezor had pink goo on her face and legs, Sir Coran had goo on his hands and mustache, and the whole room was covered. "What happned?!" I demanded. "I was cooking but mustache man shoved me out of the way, claiming I was doing it all wrong, and then proceeded to dump something in that caused the mixture to explode!" Ezor yelled, glaring at "Mustache Man". I sighed, "Yes or no, should go with Lance to Earth?" Without missing a beat she said, "Yes, go with your boyfriend." And then proceeded to yell at Sir Coran.

Well, I guess I should go.

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