The walk through the mind.

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Lance didn't know where to go but he just kept walking. Every once in a while there would be a small memory that springs to life but it only lasted a few seconds. Some when Lance was a child and the memory was sweet but then there were memories that were bad and sad that he wanted to bottle them up and forget them. In the past Lance struggled with depression and anxiety so there were some really bad days. He just walked pasted those horrible memories and tried to forget but it never worked.
         With the other Paladins

"Do you know what's going on? What's happening to Lance?" Hunk asked. "Hunk, calm down. Lance is fine but he's still awake in his mind. Something is keeping him in his toes and it won't let him rest until the job is done." Coran explained. "All we can do is wait it out. The wounds were major and we need to think of what we can do if Lance losses his sight." Allura said. "Allura is right. If Lance looses his sight we need to know what to do with him. I saw if he can't see we give him a cane and makes sure he  doesn't fly the blue lion, he would wreck Blue in seconds." Shiro said sitting down. "If ouch comes to shove we might just kick Lance off of the team. We'll find Matt soon so he can take Lance's place." Shiro said sighing.

Author's note: sorry this is short, I'll make the next one longer.

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