Training and failing.

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Lance's POV
(Lots of POV changes I know and I'm sorry)

After testing my accuracy, the generals took turns sparring with me. Zethrige of course bet me to a pulp, so much that we had to wait an hour to continue. Next I faced Ezor. She kept camoflaging but whrn I was blind I learned to use my ears as my eyes. I could hear her footsteps and I roundhouse kicked her in the ribs and then sweeped her legs to knock her to the ground. As I was gloating in my victory Axua creeped up behind me. I turned around just in time to see her fist come towards my face. Her fist came in contact with my nose and I heard a crunch. Hot tears flew down my face as I punched Axua in the chest. I then kicked her shoulders. I roundhouse kicked her in the face, knocking her to her hands and knees. I stood there for a bit feeling my nose, it was defiantly broken. "Lance, are you okay?" Lotor asked with concern. "Ugh, my nose if broken. Can you guys brake bones?" I asked. "Some bones can be broken but others cannot. Observe." Lotor said standing back. He intertwined his fingers together behind his back and lifted his arms. I thought he would stop, but he kept going until there was cracking. I shrieked in disgust. His arms where now in place and was chuckling. "Surprised?" He asked smirking. "That is a great trick! When we fight the paladins you have to do that and they'll retreat." I said laughing. I winced at the pain in my nose and cradled it in my fingers. "Come on, let's get you to the clinic to heal you up." Ezor said putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head and she leaded me to the clinic. When we got into the hall a question popped into my head. "Do you have healing pods?" I asked looking up at her. "Healing pods? No. That's an advance Altaen technology. We can a nurse that can do surgery. The general and Lotor have a special nurse because all the other Galras don't like us that much." Ezor explained. "Here we are. I'll stay here while you get a cast thingy for your nose. Don't die!" Ezor waved as I walked into the clinic.


I know these chapters today have been short but I'll post longer chapters to make up for it.

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