Family with a splash of purple

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Lance's POV

Oh my god! We're about to land! When we landed I almost instantly bolted out the door. "Where did we land?! Are we close to my parents?! I need a phone!" I shouted at my teammates plus Coran. "Slow down Lance. We knew you would be anxious so we decided to drop you off first, we're in Varadero, your home town." Hunk explained. "And we also have a surprise for you." He said turning towards the entrance of the ship. I heard slow footsteps come towards the entrance and then saw someone with white, stright hair.

"Lotor!" I ran up to him and hugged him. "I missed you so, so much! Why weren't you with me on the ship? Why did you decide to come?!" I shouted I his ear, still hugged him. "I miss you too Lance. The other generals convinced me it would be a good idea to come along. I wanted it to be a surprise." I said coolly. "How are we going to sneak you past other people while we try to find a phone to call my parents? You're purple with pointy ears and I'm in this weird set of armor, not that this armor is bad is just weird to walk around in the open."

"Calm down Lance, you're rambling. We'll make do." Lotor said. "We should get going. Matt and I need to go to our family and same with Hunk. We'll discuss what will happen with Coran later." Pidge said. We all said our goodbyes while crying, promising to keep in touch. They all boarded the ship and went off to their next destination.

"Now what? How we going to get you to a phone without people noticing your purple skin and pointy ears?" I asked. Lotor glanced at me with a smirk on his lips and like Allura did, he began to switch colors. His skin turned from a nice purple to a sun kissed skin tone, kinda like mine but lighter. "Whoa." I gasped. "Part Altean, remember?" He explained. "Now let's go find a phooon." Lotor said with determination. I chuckled and led Lotor to civilization.

Luckily Pidge installed an invisibility cloak to the ship so no humans could see our arrival. Even without Lotor's purple shin people looked at us funny because of our armor and Lotor's snow white hair. We finally reached a 7/11 and walked inside.

"Hello misters, anything I could help you with today?" The clerk asked. "Um, yes. I would hoping I could borrow your phone. Also, what is the date today?" I asked the clerk. He looked at me strangely as he handed me a phone. "Its September 19th." He said. "And what about the year?" I asked cautiously. "What kind of question is that? Do I need to call the police, did something happen to you two?" He question. "You have no idea." I said under my breath. "What's your names?" He asked, leaning in. "I'm Lance Mcclain and this is Lotor." I answered. "Wait! Lance McClain?! The boy who went missing for four years!" He shouted which made everyone in the store stare at us. "Keep your voice down." I hushed him and entered my house phone number in. I took in a deep breath before I hit the call button.

After three rings someone answered. "Hello?" A woman asked. "Uh, hello. Is Sarah McClain (him mother) home?" I asked. "She's can't come to the phone right now. I can leave a message." They said. "I really think she should come to the phone." I persuaded. "Why, who is this?" They asked, kinda upset. "Well you see, I'm Lance McClain, Sarah's son." I said with a shaky breath. I heard a gasp on the other line followed by shouting and footsteps. "Lance? Oh my goodness, is that really you?! Where are you? Where did you go?!" My mother said worried. "I'll explain when you come pick me up, okay?" I said calmly. She agreed and I told her the address of the 7/11.

Lotor and I sat on the curb and waited for my family. Lotor bounced his lag anxiously. "Are you okay?" "What if they don't like me? What if they fine out I'm not human or fine out I almost destroyed the galaxy like my father?" Lotor questioned while getting more anxious. "Calm down Lotor. That's not going to happen. Plus if my family found out you're an alien they would like you so much." I said trying to convince him is going to be okay. We sat in silence for a couple minutes before Lotor let out a chuckle.

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