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Remember the time I said that I was going to be editing the book? Yeah, well- stuff happened, I forgot to actually do it, I ended up working on other books, and I had published new ones. So yeah, completely at fault here. But that's cool!! 

(It's really not)


Sooooo, I had reread the book...again....I had decided enough is enough. The book was hurting my feelings, I practically had no plot, my writing was absolutely shitty, and I don't know about you guys but I actually didn't understand where I was going with the whole thing. 

Alright, so, my new plan!

I'm rewriting the WHOLE book. I already have a new plot set in motion, I gave ALL the characters new names, I have an AMAZING backstory, the title is going to stay the same, the intro is not, and I know who the main character is going to end up with!! You actually don't understand how excited I was when I had finally decided on that final part. Seriously, you don't. Almost bursted into tears really.

Yeah, so be on the look out for the new chapters coming out soon. As in real soon. Currently rereading them to make sure I won't cringe in the future.

Love and Pancakes,


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