Chapter Five

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Mind Your Business

"They completely disappeared."


"T'ere seems ta be s'ome t'oub'e b'ewin' b'tween yer s'hoolma'es. 'Ea'd dat one of 'em smas'ed da p'ace t'ey wo'k at."

Glancing over towards Henderson as he made his presence known, I simply hummed in response as I began making one of many sandwiches. "Aye. S'e mus'a 'ad p'ob'ems wit' 'er boyf'ien'" I casually replied. A wide grin graced my lips as I glanced back over towards him, a bemused expression greeting me in response before he heaved a small sigh. "When will ya lea'n ta cont'ol dat ang'a of yers?" I heard him mutter under his breath. "When pigs f'y." Widening my grin a tad bit when I heard him snort, I quickly finished making as many sandwiches as I could before separating them onto several plates.

"So, 'ave ya fig'ad out why da Na'uto c'a'act'as 'peared in da 'ouse?" Henderson questioned as I let out a loud whistle. Both of us winced at how loud I was, an annoyed scowl gracing my lips as my ears began ringing slightly. "No. I'm jus' as c'ueless as ya when it comes ta 'em" I replied as everyone piled into the room. Casually crossing my arms over my chest as they chose whatever plate they wanted, I let out a loud yawn as they began chatting amongst themselves.

"Tobi wants to know what the plans are for the rest of the day!"

Smacking my lips as I finished my wide yawn, I gave my attention over towards Obito as he acted like the childish male he truly was. "No'ting 'eally. I 'ave ta p'epa'a." Ignoring the curious stares I received, I brought a hand up to my eyes as my vision began swimming again. "Ye okay, 'anie?" I heard Elijah worriedly question. Waving my hand as if to fan it away, I heaved a small sigh before pushing my body away from the counter I was leaning against.

Rubbing at my eyes as I waited for my vision to come back, I ignored the worried looks I was given as I moved my attention over towards the twins and my sister. "Why don'cha 'ave a ba'beque. I mean, we gotta a pool" I suggested while jerking a thumb towards the back sliding door. I watched amusedly as several eyes brightened up, giddy smiles decorating multiple faces as I placed a hand on a cocked out hip. "...I'm guessin' I'm sta'tin' da g'ill?" Elijah chuckled out as he grabbed the lighter fluid and a lighter. His brother snickered in response , his keys dangling in his hands as he made his way out of the kitchen. "...An' I'm gettin' ex'ra t'unks" Henderson commented before leaving our sight. Rolling my eyes in response as my best friends -and sister- giggled, I crossed my arms over my chest before glancing over towards Choji.

"Don'cha ferget ta buy an double ex'ra large fer C'oji!!"

Huffing lightly when I got a muffled 'm'kay', I let out one last yawn before lazily making my way upstairs. Already knowing my housemates were following after me, I flashed my eyes over towards Kelly as she reached me. Sharing an amused smirk with her as we made eye contact, a light snicker left my lips as we all heard Elijah groan out behind us. "Yer jus' gonna leave 'em wit' me?!" He whined out as we climbed up the stairs. Glancing over towards the kitchen's entrance as his head poked out, I took notice of the childish pout he gave me before letting out another snicker.

"Aye. Yer da 'dult" I taunted with an innocent smile. "But yer da 'ost!!!" He cried out. I laughed as tears began to fall from his mismatched eyes, a glare soon forming as I gave him a short wave. "I'm sure ye will live." Ignoring the string of cuss words he sent our way, I waited until my four housemates went into their rooms before going into my own.

Rubbing at the nook in my neck as I slammed the door shut behind me, I gave Kiki a loving pat on her head as she greeted me with her tongue our of her mouth and a wagging tail. Chuckling lightly as she gave me a bark that just screams 'I missed you', I made my way over to one of my dressers before beginning my search for my swimsuits. Letting out a small 'aha' as I found them buried deep within the third drawer of the second dresser, I made sure to pull out a one piece and two bikinis before stripping out of my clothes and putting one of the bikinis on.

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