Chapter 6

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After that little 'incident' we all got dressed in lazy clothing and were sitting in the living room.

" Alright ya bitches, it's time y'all get ya rooms" I stated. They all nodded, stood up, and followed me. I had already planned out what room they were going in earlier.

Gaara's was across from mine. Temari's was next to Gaara's and was across from Neji's, who was on the right of mine. On Gaara's right was Ino's and across from her was Jailyn's. Next to Jailyn's was Naruto's and across from him was Shikamaru's. Next to Neji's was Kisame's and across from him was Hinata's. Next to Shikamaru's was Kakashi's and across from him was Shino's. Next to Shino's was Jessi's and across from her was Diana's. Next to Hinata's was Lizbeth's and across from her was Kankuro's. Next to Kankuro's was Tobi's and across from him was Deidara. Next to Diana's was Tenten's and across from her was Karin's. Next to Karin's was Jugo's and across from him was Choji's. Next to Choji's was Sasuke's and across from him was Itachi's. Next to Deidara's was Pain's and across from him was Sai's. Next to Sai's was Hidan's and across from him was Sakura's. Next to Itachi's was Rock lee's and across from him was Kiba and Akamaru's. Then Kakazu's was next to Sakura's and was at thr end of the hall. The opposite direction leading towards the stair case and to the house bathroom( they have bathrooms in their rooms).

I lead everyone to their rooms with Gaara being the last one.

"What's wrong?" I asked. " I don't think Shukaku will let me sleep...." Gaara trailed off, looking towards the ground. I petted his head. " Oi, Shukaku. Let the poor boy sleep ya nitwit" I scolded the tailed beast. "Yes mother...." I heard a voice ring through my mind.

The fuck he meant by mother...?

" Okay, Ya should be able to sleep now. Good night Gaara" I said, rolling my tounge on the 'r'. I heard a muffled 'night' as I closed the door behind me.

I walked over to my bed and plopped down with my front facing the ceiling. " Hello sweet heart..." "Who the fuck are ya." "I'm the ten tailed beast, you may call me Jubi or Shinju." "I see.... Well, it's nice to meet'cha ya Shinju." "You too sweetheart." "Please don't call me that, it sounds weird..." I whined in my head. I heard chuckling. I raised an eyebrow,  knowing he can see it.

" I like you child." "Dude, I'm sixteen. Do I look like a child?" I raised my eyebrow again. " And I like ya too Shinju." "Im glad." I could actually see the grin Shinju was having inside my head. " So tell me about ya self." "Well I have nine children." "So I've heard." He chuckled again. " There's Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Gokū, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyūki, and Kurama." "Hmm...they all sound unique, as if their names were ment for them and only them" I stated with a gentle smile.

It was quiet at first, but then I blacked out. When I opened my eyes, I saw a big ass caged in front of me. " The fuck??" I looked around until I heard a now familiar chuckle. " We're in your mind sweet heart" Shinju explained to me. I looked towards the cage and smiled. I ran into the cage not caring if I got hurt and hugged Shinju. " W-what are you d-doing? " " What does it look like I'm doing?" I retorted, raising my eyebrow once again. "...." "That's it everybody out!" I yelled and I changed the setting in my head.

We were now in a specialized playground I just thought of for the tailed beasts. In front of me were Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Gokū, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyūki, Kurama, and Shinju. " Where are we?" Kurama asked. " Yo in a playground I made just for you guys" I stated as I looked each and everyone of them in the eye with a gentle look and smile. " W-what...?" Matatabi stuttered. " Listen children-- yes that includes ya Shinju--" I said chuckling. " In my eyes, ya are not monsters. Ya are majestic creatures that are both beautiful and strong. Do not litsrn to those from the past nor future. Stand on yo own feet and lead ya self yo own way. Do I make myself clear? I love ya all and I will near change that" I said in a stern yet gentle voice.

When I looked at their faces again, they had tears on their or down their faces. The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by them either hugging, rubbing me, or licking my face. I chuckled. " Thank you mother/sweetheart.... W-we love y-you too..."  they all choked out betwen their sobs. " Hai, hai. Now go play" they gave me razer sharp toothy grins and ran off to play.

" You are one of a kind sweet heart." " Why thank ya Shinju. If I hadn't known better,  I would have thought ya have a tiny crush on me" "Who knows maybe I do." We chuckled. " Hey Shinju, how come they call me mother?" I asked. " We sense the power you give off, thus saying you are my mate. However since I am in your body already, you are their mother since you are my hostess." he explained. " I see... Well I'm glad that they are my children.. I would always get angery whenever I watched them all get hurt and mistreated by us humans..." I said as I looked at the ground sadly.

I suddenly felt a finger on my chin , making me look at the owner. Damn this boy looked mighty fine. "Why thank you sweetheart." Shinju chuckled. I felt my face heat up a bit. "You should not feel sad just because of our past. Just be happy for the unwritten future". and with that said, Shinju kissed my forehead and I blacked out.


Let's have a moment of silence for Menma being Shinju in his human form...

You may gush now.

Thank you for your time.

Love and Pancakes,


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