Chapter Nine

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Unexpected Surprise

"P'easure ta make yer 'cquaintance Zab'za an' 'aku. 'Low me ta intr'a'duce mi self, yer wo'se nightmare an' wet d'eam."


I stared at Yanie wide eyed as she chatted with a large group of people we didn't know, a lopsided grin gracing her painted lips as she mischievously rubbed her hands together.

"Are we gonna dance now?" Alexa curiously questioned. Seeing Yanie nodded her head once, I felt my eyes widen in glee and surprise as I wondered what she's going to dance to next. "Do we really have to do Mega...Megatron? Can't...can't we do a different song?" Wendi whined out cutely. I stared at her slightly as she gave Yanie a pout, the latter giving the younger female a smirk as she shook her head. "I'm sure dat when da song s'arts, ye will be fine" she hinted. Staring at her in confusion, I jumped slightly when an unfamiliar song blasted into the room.

"Bra, ta, ta, ta..."

I stared wide eyed at Kelly as she started off the song, Yanie and Wendi soon taking over as they sang to the new song playing. Blood rushed to various places as I watched them perform, one of my hands going up to my nose as I prayed I wasn't having a nosebleed. An instant sigh of relief left me when the finished the song, the group of girls slowly dispersing as Raelin quickly made her way back towards Naruto. Slowly I began to notice the fact that Hinata kept glancing over towards them, a troubled look on her face as she glanced back down to her fingers.

She probably doesn't know how to deal with someone like that...No one does really, besides her sister that is...

I frowned slightly as I rubbed the back of my head, my eyes going back to Yanie as she began chatting with that large group of people again. Curious to know what they were talking about, I silently made way over towards them, Akamaru close behind me as their conversation slowly entered my ears. "-ot you a new bat! 'lysa pe'sonally 'elped me wit' t'is one!!" I stared at the owner of the voice in horror when I comprehended what she had just said, a pitch black bat gleaming in the light as it was handed to it's new owner.

"I thought I told ya to stop wit' them shady deals?!"

"S'ut it b'fore I 'it ya wit' mi new bat, ya ol' bas'ard."

I felt my jaw drop as I stared at the nonchalant Yanie, her mismatched eyes glancing over towards her glaring boss as he let out an annoyed grunt. "Damn bloodthirsty brat!..." A shiver went down my spine when said 'brat' let out a small chuckle, a small smirk on her lips as she started making drinks. My eyes watched her as I sat down in one of the stools, a drink instantly in my hands as she slid a cup towards me. Glancing down at it, I gave the nonchalant female a curious look as she continued to speak to her friends.

"She senses something."

I glanced down at Akamaru as he spoke, my eyes quick to look back at Yanie as she glanced around slowly and discreetly. My eyes widened a bit when she glanced over at me and then Akamaru, said Nin dog letting out a bark as she let out an amused huff. My head tilted to the side a she shook her head, a confused frown on my lips as she pursed hers tightly.

I wonder what's wrong....?


"Wha' di actual fuck was dat....?"

"Probably another warp..."


I titled my head to the side at what Shinju had just said, my brows furrowed as I glanced silently at the clock. Seeing that my shift was going to end any second now, I kicked Lesia and her family out of the bar after taking their money for my services, the old fart yelling at me and the boys to close shop. Giving him the middle finger in response, I collected the money and moved to the back before dumping it all into my backpack without a second thought. "What the hell?! Give us some too!!" Hunter complained as he and the others came to the back. "No." Shrugging my shoulders when the brute gave me a dark glare, I sneered at him in response before making my way out of the bar with my board, backpack, and two bats in my hands.

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