Chapter Two

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The Rules

"Sakura! Remember the rules!!"


"So they're gonna stay with us?" I heard my sister excitedly question. Sending her a look from the corner of my eye, I moved my attention back to the pan full of fried chicken as the oil popped at me. "Fuckin' shit! Dat 'urt!!" I hissed out as I jerked back. Giving my best friends the middle finger when I heard them snicker under their breath, I tilted my head to the side and glanced back at the kitchen's entrance as I felt my ear twitch.

The corners of my lips twitched upwards when I saw that the Naruto characters decided to join us, Choji and Naruto excitedly placing themselves against the counter as their noses comedically sniffed the air. "Likin' what yer sniffin', ah?" I amusedly questioned while placing the cooked chicken on a plate covered in napkins. Checking on the Mac and cheese to see if it was done boiling, I turned the burner off and dumped the pot's contents into the strainer I had placed in the sink. "So what exactly do we have to do in order for us to stay here?" I heard Kakashi earnestly questioned. Shaking any extra water from the shell noddles, I poured them back into the pot they were just in before answering his question.

"Follow me 'ules an' ye will 'ave no p'blems."

"You told them all of the rules?" Kelly suspiciously questioned from behind me. "Yeah" I easily lied while checking on the broccoli. Ignoring the staring she was burning into the back of my head, I quickly made everyone a plate and placed them on the island behind me before letting out a yawn. "Not gonna eat again?" Alexa asked as she took notice of my lack of plate. "Aye, I gotta some'ting ta do" I informed while picking up my backpack. Once again I ignored the stares burning into the back of my head, my eyes glaring over towards Kakuzu as I felt his eyes land on my bag.

"Wha' did I jus' say?" I growled out. Huffing in satisfaction when he looked away, I lazily grabbed my bat before making my way out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Pausing as I reached the top of the staircase, I glanced up towards the ceiling and smirked a bit when I saw a familiar floating eye. Snickering when I saw the pupil dilate in surprise, I waited until it had turned completely turned into sand before continuing on to my room.

Upon entering my room, I nonchalantly tossed my bag and bat on my bed before kneeling down to greet my overly excited dog. "'I me baby, did'cha miss me?" I cooed to her as I stroked her neck and ears. Getting an excited bark in response, I gave my Husky mix one last pat before shoving my boots off of my feet. Stretching my hands high above my head, I let out a pleasured groan as I felt my bones pop before rubbing the side of my neck. Glancing over towards my steel bat as it laid on my bed covered in blood, I let an annoyed grunt leave my lips before making my way over towards it.

After grabbing it and staring at it for a good minute, I grabbed the specialized soap and a sponge before making my way to my room's bathroom. My ears twitched as I listened to Kiki following after me, her nails scratching against the hard wood ground as I kneeled beside the bathtub. Turning the water on to hot, I squeezed some of the soap on my sponge before beginning my scrubbing on my favorite weapon. Humming to myself as I cleaned one of my many bats, I sat back on my heels and peered into my room as I heard my door room open and close.

"Why didn't you tell them all ten of the rules?"

Scowling at Kelly as she stared at me with a raised eyebrow, I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth before continuing my scrubbing. "Ye jus' 'ad ta 'uin all of me f'n" I whined under my breath as Kiki greeted my best friend with kisses. Giving the traitor a small glare, I let a small pout grace my lips as I stood to my feet. "Why do you like to traumatize people so much?" I heard the brown eyed teen sarcastically question. Raising a middle finger high into the air, I snatched up a towel off of my counter before thoroughly drying off my steel made bat.

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