Chapter Ten

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Misty Grey Eyes

"I told you not to harm her! Why can't you idiots ever listen?!"


It was dead in the night when she appeared, her eyes eerily glowing in the dark as she waited for her companions to show up.

With the sound of someone huffing and rushing footsteps, she let her eyes glide away from the screen she was staring at towards the two men approaching her as she placed her phone in her back pocket.

"Wha' di 'ell took y'all so lon'?"

Yanie furrowed her brows in annoyance as she stared at the pair of twins in front of her, Elijah and Henderson both giving her apologetic looks as they uneasily glanced around at their surroundings. "My bad. We gotta lil' caught up on di way 'ere" Elijah told her. Understanding what he meant, she let her own eyes take in their surrounds while jerking her head towards the building behind her. "Leggo get t'is s'it done an' ova wit'. I gotta a g'oup of mo'ons at 'ome waitin' to get a beatin'." The pair of brothers let out a small snort of laughter since they knew she wasn't joking, the trio quick to put on their disguises as a rift circled the air around them.

Shinju watched in curiosity through Yanie's eyes, his own able to pick up the usage of chakra as it disrupted the air surrounding his mate and her two friends. He was confused as to how they were able to use chakra in the dimension they were currently in, his thoughts going back to when he was back in the Xigath dimension.

"Do ye t'ink ye will be able to p'otect 'er, S'inju?"

The ten tailed beast stared down at the couple below him in disinterest, his usual glowing crimson eyes a dull red as he sat up in a tall tree. "And why should I watch over your puny brat?" The couple said nothing as they shared a look with one another, the woman carefully showing the face of the chid in her arms just as she opened her eyes. Shinju felt his eyes widen as his eyes connected with those from the infant, his body appearing in human-hybrid form in front of the young couple as he slowly and carefully took the child out of her mother's arms.

"Why are you bring her to me now? Why not later?"

Again, the couple shared a look. "We were 'opin' ye wou'd let us seal ya inside of 'er fer di time bein' . Wit' di cur'ent t'reat loomin' wit'in di c'an, we want at least some type of p'otection fer our youn'est....'Specially wit' 'ow...'special' she is" the young man informed. Shinju stared at the clan head as he stood tall, his curly white hair free around his shoulders as his eyes gleamed with he sunlight. The ten tailed beast said nothing as he gazed down gently at the child in his arms, her own curly white hair fluttering a bit in the wind as she gazed up at him with a wide smile. "...How did you know that she was my mate?" He asked after a brief moment of silence. At first the couple said nothing, their faces blank as the reminisced how they found out about the beast bijuu being one of their youngest daughter's soulmates. The black haired bijuu blinked at the two in surprise when they suddenly began to laugh, his dull red eyes now a brilliant shade of crimson as he held his heart in his hands.

"We didn't, but Yuki sure did!"

Shinju stared at them in surprise before moving it towards the couple months old child, her eyes bright as she let out a loud giggle. He wondered how the child was able to know that they were mates, curiosity taking over his being as he connected her forehead to his. His curiosity only deepened when he wasn't able to find what he was looking for, his crimson orbs flashing with disbelief as the child let out another giggle. "Why seal me inside of her? Why not create a contract between us both? Or just let me stay beside her?" The bijuu rapidly fired questions at the couple while tightly holding his little mate hesitated, their minds working as one as they both mustered ups the answer the great beast before them was looking for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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