Chapter One*

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The star indicates that this is the edited version of the book since I'm leaving the old chapters up for a bit.

Who Did It?

"I know I ain't talkin' ta 'ear me self talk, so who did it? Fess up."


Another boring day, another boring lecture...

A rugged looking teen yawned as she was yelled at, her boss' face turning a bright red as she fought to stay awake. "-ying attention?!" Blankly she gazed at him as he caught his breath, another yawn leaving her lips as he heaved a very heavy sigh. "Don'o why yer gettin' so mad. Da guy should'a kept 'is 'ands ta 'imself" she proclaimed in a nonchalant tone. A small smirk graced her lips as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Listen Yanie, I'm only looking out for you. I can't do anything if you go fightin' in my bar."

"Yer bar would be 'victed by now if it weren'o fer me."

Yanie stared at her boss with a raised eyebrow, his face still a light pink as he forced himself to calm down. "How am I going to deal with you?" He groaned out while dropping his head in his hands. "Ye can sta't by givin' me tis week's pay. I got shit ta do an' yer 'oldin' me up." Holding a hand out towards the disbelieving adult before her, the brunette let a wild-looking smirk grace her lips as her boss gave up.

"At least promise me that you'll stop bringing your bat to work."

Snatching the money up once it was given to her, Yanie made sure to count it dollar by dollar before shoving it all in her backpack once she made sure she had the right amount. "I don'o make such p'omises." Laughing as her boss launched himself at her, the sixteen year old quickly hopped out of the only window in her boss' office before landing safely on her feet. Tilting upward as a shadow casted over her, she gave the adult a mocking two finger salute before snickering to herself as she pulled her skateboard out of her backpack.

"Yanie, you damned brat! Give me back my money!!!"

Raising a middle finger high in the air, said teen let out an obnoxious laugh as she rode her board down the street. A small smile graced her features as she made her way home, her ringing phone soon catching her attention as she pulled it out of her back pocket. After unlocking it and heading to her messages, Yanie narrowed her eyes in suspicion as she read the text she got from one of her housemates. "Ye might wanna come 'ome now...." She muttered to herself. Lifting her upper lip in a sneer as she thought of something terrible happening, the sixteen year old picked up the pace and hurried home.

Spotting very familiar gates, Yanie rode her skateboard onto the property before hopping off of it and picking it up. Calmly she made her way to the front door, her ears twitching at the sound of yelling and crashing as she pulled out her house keys. Immediately a bit of the sound ceased, her head tilting in her suspicion as she opened her door. With her board in one hand, Yanie shoved her other into her jacket pockets after tossing her keys aside. Slowly she walked into her house, her face completely aloof as she made her way into the living room.

Silently she scanned the mess she knew she wasn't going to clean, her eyes soon landing on the group of people in the center as they huddled together. She furrowed her brows as she spotted something on the youngest's arm, the bruise slowly forming as her anger spiked. "Who did it?" She questioned. Instantly all attention was on her, multiple eyes widening in surprise when they realized that they didn't sense her approach. The eyes watched her as she made her way to the group of girls in the center of the room, her hand reaching out towards one of them as she pulled out an arm.

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