Chapter 5 : Buy Her Lips

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*Few days later.* Today is the day, the day where I'll claim her lips for sure ;) It's actually a charity kissing/ hugging booth.

I can't believe Kristina is chosen by votes as one of the kiss givers. Damn, half of me feels excited yet half of me feels so frustrated. Why? Confusing feelings.

Days ago, "Isn't she cute? I wanna kiss her." Said some of guy classmates. I shot them a dirty look as I glared at them. Don't they dare do that! I gotta stop them for sure without fail. They're a bunch of disgusting shameless toads or cow poops who doesn't know their place. Kissing Kristina? Never gonna happen!

Cause me, I'm the only one who has the right to do that. I'm first son of USA with dashing looks, anything I want is mine and I'll get it. Just watch me. Her lips, I wonder.

"We vote for Barron as well." Those girls exclaimed. "Sorry to disappoint you but I'm opting out." I said clearly bored by the idea. I have the rights to request this after all I'm special. Me kissing other girls other than Kristina? That's disgusting. I can't even imagine that let alone kissing them.

I will never do that. Sure they might be pretty but they're out of my league. They can never even compare with Kristina whose Billions, Zillions times much more beautiful than any other girls.

Well, it's my very first kiss and I Barron Trump, swear to only gave it to that one and only special girl, Kristina Pimenova.

Isn't she honored, she must be ecstatic being my chosen candidate only of getting my first kiss from a handsome rich boy like me and don't forget getting my first kiss from first son of USA namely me.

As well as getting more future kisses from solely me. It's not an everyday normal event that you get to kiss first son of USA. I'm precious.

"Let the kissing booth event begins." Announced the speaker.

*30 seconds waiting* Such a long queue, I'm running out of patience. Why must I wait. I'm tired of waiting. So far, it's just girls getting hugs from Kristina while raising funds. I'm fine with that.

The guys... You all better watch out, I'll be watching you. After a while, it's a guy's turn.

As expected, so many guys queuing for Kristina. She's the prettiest after all.

Pissed off and tired of waiting, I walked forward ahead cutting the queue. "Bring that and follow me." I ordered my bodyguards. "Yes Boss." My guards said.

"..." Kristina looked uncomfortable hesitantly feared about kissing a hot guy whose far less hotter than me of course.

"Get out." I glared at him. "I don't take orders from you, Barron Trump." He rolled his eyes at me.

"You're not allowed to kiss her." I said. "Really? Who do you think you are to decide that for her?" He said.

"That's my line. As first son of USA, I demand you to stop. Yeah, she's mine." I said confidently.

"Using your authority again? Pathetic, always hiding behind your parents back. So you're saying she's yours as well." He mocked at me before he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Stop it. You shouldn't insult Barron like that!" Kristina pushed away his hands.

"..." I clenched my fist as I stare daggers at him hard. How dare he! Those filthy hands of his! Even though it's just her shoulder, it's still a pollution. No one can touch Kristina except me! I abhorred him already. I'll never forgive you! I can tolerate insults about me but I will not stand him upsetting Kristina.

"You jackass!" I grabbed him before shoving him to the ground.

"What the... I've donated $100 for her kiss." He glared at me.

"100? That's a pity sum. I'll show you what's called pathetic." I said. "Bring that suitcase." I ordered. "Yes boss, here's $50k." My bodyguard opened the suitcase piled of dollar notes.

"Very well, I want to buy your lips, Goddess." I gently lifted up her chin. "Barron..." She stared at me with a surprised look before blushing furiously. "Don't be ridiculous." She looked away shyly as she blushed.

"Well, I wanna be ridiculous. It's an order from the first son of USA." I smirked. "You..." Without waiting for her answer, I threw bundle of dollar notes high up in the air before kissing her on the lips under the pouring rain of money.

Nice, her lips are so soft and sweet. It's getting addictive like sweet drug. So, this is how kisses feel huh.

I let go as I stared at her. Wow, she's already this red on the cheeks huh.

"This is called pathetic when you can't get what you want. Without more money, you lose out." I turned around as I said to him. "Urgh." He glared indignantly at me before walking away. Well, I'm just stating a fact.

"So, $50k deal towards charity! Kristina Pimenova lips are now sold to Barron Trump!" My Principal announced.

I warped my left hand around her stomach as though hugging her from behind as I brought her right hand to my lips as I gently placed a soft kiss on her hand.

"Barron..." She looked at me shyly. I smiled at her.

~To be continued~

Hi thanks for reading :)

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