Truth Breeds Truth (1)

Start from the beginning


"So you know Mr. Blue eyes?" Buffy questions as she and the other women stand off to the side while their mysterious newfound survivor remained at the table sipping on a cup of water, dealing with the trauma he had apparently witnessed.
"Yes." Mulan confirms as Buffy's eyes remained glued to the man, eyeing him skeptically "I've seen him around. He's a blacksmith. Came to our camp a couple of months ago. Said he lost his hand in an ogre attack."

Buffy couldn't help but snort slightly, if this guy was telling the truth then he was the luckiest guy in this damn realm. Between surviving an ogre attack and now the Cora massacre, this guy was like a magnet for life and death situations.
Or he was full of crap, which is where Buffy's head was leaning towards.

"He's full of crap is my vote but hey, let's just say I've picked up a few things over the years that will make him squeal like a little girl if he doesn't co-operate." She finally says before turning to make her way over to the mysterious man, smiling at him softly in a seemingly innocent way.

"Hi." She says sweetly as she moves to stand beside him causing his blue eyes to shoot up to meet her own green orbs "So...ogre attack huh? Geez, not fun."
"No." He admits with a small weak laugh as he watches her "It was not. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Fortune, it seems, has been fit to show me favor."

Emma, who much like her sister wasn't buying a word leaving the Englishman's lips moves to stand on the other side of the man. Both blondes teaming up to get the truth out of the mysterious figure between them.
"An island full of corpses..." Emma mumbles drawing his attention away from her sister for a moment "'re the only one to escape. How exactly did that happen?"

"She attacked at night..." The man stutters out as both women continue to stare at him skeptically "...slaughtered everyone in one fell swoop. When she started ripping out people's hearts, I hid under the bodies of those who had already been killed. Pretended to be dead myself. Must be the ruse worked."
Buffy nods as she listens to the man's little tale, it was definitely rehearsed that was for sure. She may not know Cora personally but she knew people like her. They never left someone alive unless they had reason to. Everything was always planned carefully down to the tiniest little detail "And here I thought that fortune was supposed to favor the brave, but I tend to mess up those little details."
"It happens to everyone." Emma pipes up the two girls easily falling into a natural banter-type interrogation as though it was something they had been doing for years. It was like the two sisters knew exactly what the other was thinking, both of them forming a plan with nothing but mere glances, not needing to speak to communicate.

Noticing that both of the beautiful women before him were watching him with almost the exact same skeptical gaze the nervous man eyes them both desperately "It was all I could do to survive."
At his words, Emma and Buffy share a glance before Emma leans forward across the table facing the man while Buffy moves behind him, the two sisters moving completely in sync.

"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret." Emma whispers as she faces the man eyeing him carefully "I am pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to me."

"And two blondes make a right." Buffy pipes up before grabbing the back of the man's head and slamming his face into the table. Holding his face down against the wood of the table Buffy smiles slightly as she punches a hole through the table, right next to his face "Now...the blondes are in charge. And we want some better get with the truth blue eyes."



"You're one tough cookie B."

Clenching her eyes shut Buffy shakes her head, trying to force Faith's voice out of her mind. Today Faith was the one haunting every thought she had. Every day it was someone new, one day it was Dawn's voice haunting her, another day it would be Xander. Every day she would be haunted by a different ghost of someone she loved.
It was pure torture, it felt like her own mind wasn't her own anymore, it had been taken over by her loved ones and all the people she had lost.

Hearing the bench she was sitting on squeak beside her, Buffy clears her throat focusing back on the whole reason she had driven to Toronto and spent two hours freezing her ass off in this damn park.
Turning her head slightly she sighs in relief as she spots the Warlock Dragomir now sitting beside her "Thank you for coming."
"Daniel speaks very highly of you." The Warlock explains making Buffy chuckle slightly at the use of Oz's real name. He had always been Oz to her and their friends, to the point where they often forget that it was just a nickname.
"So what can I do for you, Miss Summers?"

Buffy sighs at his question, Oz warned her that magic came from a price especially when it came to Dragomir. What she needed would come with a price, she just hoped it wasn't too steep because otherwise, she had no idea what she was going to do.
This was her one chance to find out how Ward was finding the Slayers, non of their other witches had been powerful enough to figure it out. He was their last option.

"Ward keeps finding Slayers...even the ones we cloaked. He has a witch, I'm sure. I need to find the witch and shut down his link."
Dragomir remains silent for a long minute as he contemplates her words, as though calculating the risk he was putting himself in by helping her "I can find the witch...but it will require an immense amount of power. You will have to sacrifice the thing you love most."

 "There is nothing left that I love."

Sure enough, despite the fact Buffy herself believed her words to be true, Dragomir could see deeper into her heart. There was still something she loved.
Someone she loved.

"Yes, Miss Summers...there is."

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