Life Isn't A Fairytale (3)

Start from the beginning



"We have to give them their best chance..."

"They're sisters...they'll have each other."

"The Hardest thing in this world is to live in it."

Slamming her eyes open Buffy clenches her jaw tightly, her nails digging harshly into her thigh; harsh enough to draw blood.
Every time she closed her eyes she saw Dawn's face, she saw that blood dripping through her fingers as she held onto her dying sister.
She could still hear her little sister's voice in her ear, everyday it was still crystal clear, those last words haunted her everything waking moment.

Yet since landing in the Enchanted Forest she had started to hear a different voice in the back of her mind. A familiar soft voice that left a warm feeling in Buffy's soul. Every time she heard it, it was so filled with love. That voice haunting her almost sounded like someone talking to their child, it was like how her mother used to speak to her. With that lovingly fond tone, that always brought comfort.

Sighing softly, the blonde leans her head against the bark of the tree she was sitting in before glancing up at the sky above her. A small smile graced her lips at the sight of the stars above her. It brought memories of Sunnydale to her mind, that was the last time she had been somewhere where she could openly gaze up at the stars.
There was something so soothing about them.

For years, she had been jumping from place to place, she rarely got a moment of peace. Just here looking up at the stars, it was a simple pleasure, yet for that small moment, it was more than she could have asked for.
It was perfect.
For a moment, she wasn't a fugitive, she wasn't a killer she was just a girl gazing at the stars.

But alas, all perfect things came to an end.

Hearing a scuffle below her, Buffy quickly leaps out of the tree landing in a graceful crouch on the ground. Looking up through her long blonde locks her eyes widen as she spots Aurora holding a knife to Mary Margaret's throat.
Without hesitation, the blonde grabs the princess by the back of the head, yanking on her hair sending her tumbling to the ground.

She wasn't too sure why, but the sight of Mary Margaret in trouble sent waves of anger through her. It was disconcerting for sure.
Shaking the feeling away Buffy points the stake end of the scythe at Aurora, the sharp end hovering just above her heart "I told you don't make me wanna kill you."

"Don't talk to her like that." Mulan snaps as she storms over to the two while Mary Margaret places an arm on Buffy pulling her back slightly, trying not to wince in hurt as the blonde roughly rips her arm free. Sighing the pixie-haired princess turns to face Mulan, hoping to reason with her before her youngest daughter did something she would regret "She tried to kill me."
"She would have killed her." Mulan snaps glaring over at Buffy who merely shrugs completely unbothered by the glare being thrown her way.

"I've killed people for less." Buffy hisses before turning her back on Mulan not noticing the way Mary Margaret's eyes widened in horror at her words. However, what Buffy did notice was the sound of a sword being raised, quickly spinning around Buffy catches Mulan's sword in between the palm of her hands before the blade could connect to her flesh.
As Mulan stares at her in shock the sound of a gunshot echoing through the woods causes everyone to freeze.

"Back the hell away from her!" Emma hisses as she keeps her gun trained on Mulan, she didn't care if she had to shoot the warrior, if it came to keeping Buffy safe she would do whatever she had to.
However, despite the fact, there was a gun aimed in Mulan's face none of the women seemed too focused on that as the ground shook violently.
Dropping Mulan's sword from her hands, Buffy's eyes widen in panic "Uh oh." She breaths before glancing over at Mary Margaret who was clearly having the same thought as her...Emma had just drawn the Ogres right to their position.

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