Two Different Destinies (2)

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Both Mary Margaret and David felt their stomachs drop at her words, this couldn't be possible, they had done everything to make sure the two of them would be together. That they would all be reunited when the Curse was broken. Yet here they were, the Curse broken and no sign of their youngest daughter.
Taking a shaky breath Mary Margaret bites back tears and quickly cups Emma's face in her hands. She didn't believe something horrible had happened to Buffy. She had hope that they would find her "We're together now. We will find her."
"I've tried everything..."

"Not Magic." Mother Superior pipes up as she approaches the group, drawing everyone's attention before smiling weakly at the small family "That smoke, it was magic. It's here. I can feel it. With Magic here..."

Slowly David's eyes widen in hope, they had a chance, they would be able to find Buffy, they would be reunited "We can find her."



Turning on her side, Buffy couldn't help but groan, her muscles were aching due to this lump of a mattress. If you could even call it that. It was practically a thick blanket dumped on the floor, still, it wasn't the worst thing she had slept on over the past few years.
Between running for her life and trying to help get the newly called Slayers into hiding all on her own, she hadn't exactly had time to relax in a king-sized bed with a pint of ice cream while she watched bad TV.

Yanking the sheet off her, Buffy pulls herself to her feet before glaring down at the orange pants and white tank top she was in. While yes, prison definitely had some downsides; the outfits were at the top of her list. She missed her platform boots and leather jackets and she sure as hell missed her scythe.
But at least she was getting one of those things back tonight. She had spent months looking for it after the feds had taken it off her and now she knew exactly where it was.

Hidden away in a passageway under the prison with a whole bunch of mystical crap. Between potions, spellbooks, mystical weapons, and anything believed to be supernatural; it was all stored away down there.
However, her scythe wasn't the only target, it was the files, files on The Slayers that had been called, she had to destroy them. She was going to burn it to the damn ground.

Stretching her arms over her head as she runs her plan through her head, the blonde glances over at the camera positioned in the corner of the room. She always had eyes on her, it was kind of creepy, to be honest, it made what the trio of nerds used to spy on her look like a damn baby cam.

Hearing a bang the blonde slowly makes her way towards the door and sure enough not two seconds later two panels in the walls opened, revealing the guns being aimed at her. Warning her not to make a move when the door opened.

Sighing she raises her hands in surrender before finally a loud click of the final lock coming undone echoes through her cage.

"Summers, you know the rules."

She did know the rules, she knew the damn routine off by heart and it was completely infuriating. Her life had become an endless tight schedule that made high school seem like a damn rave.
Dropping to her knees she waits for the metal panel on the floor to open, as it does she places her wrists over the machine. 
Two heavy metal clamps automatically circle around her wrist causing a small grimace to escape her lips. These things were tight as hell plus came attached with chains that were so heavy even she struggled against them.

However, she didn't have time to moan and complain, she had to do everything perfectly otherwise she would lose her only chance. Feeling the butt of a gun being taped against the back of her head urging her to hurry up, she rolls her eyes before pulling herself to her feet before moving over to the panel once more, allowing her ankles to be shackled too.

"See, I play by the rules." She snarks only to roll her eyes as she spots the metal rod being hooked up to the chains they were wrapping around her stomach "Seriously again with the leash?" When she is met with nothing but silence the blonde quirks a brow "Really? No one? Do you guys even know how to laugh? Or did they just zap you too many times with the misery machine?"

"Shut it." The head guard orders before pushing against the 6-foot long metal leash forcing Buffy to step forward towards her open cage door. The leash was not exactly her favorite thing here, but apparently, after her last incident, all guards had to keep a minimum five-foot distance from her.
Honestly, Buffy didn't get it, the incident hadn't been too bad, she only sent about 8 guards to the hospital with broken appendages and gave one of her fellow inmates a very deserved castration.

All thoughts of her little fight were quickly wiped clean as she steps out into the long concrete hall, a harsh bright light hitting her sharply causing her to clench her eyes shut tightly. Trying to adjust to the sudden brightness, the blonde inhales tightly before forcing open her green eyes allowing them to land on the whole reason she had to wait 6 months for today.

"General Ward." She moans in annoyance as she quirks a brow at the figure before her. That stupid smug face belonged to the head of the FBI's secret supernatural division. He always came to visit her, every two months like clockwork.
First, he would both try and fail to get information on the other Slayers from her, with very unpleasant tactics. Then update her restraint directions, and finally, he would head down to the room she needed to get to.
She had spent months figuring out how to get his key, how to get past the guards, and how to find the room. Months spent analyzing everything she would have to do...and finally, today was the day.

She was getting the hell out of here tonight.

The Saviors Of The Three WorldsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin