Chapter 17: Pressure's On

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I stand at the parking lot, next to Alex, as Cilia says goodbye to Julie. Julie's red-brown hair glistens like bronze in the evening sunshine. I shift from foot to foot, I don't like saying goodbye. Cilia wipes a tear from her dainty face as she pulls away from the embrace. They mumble quiet words to each other that I can't quite hear, before breaking apart. I walk forward and Julie pulls me into a hug. At first I stiffen, but then smile and embrace her back.

"I'll miss you." I say.

"I'll miss you too." Julie replies, still holding me tightly.

I pull away and her olive green eyes catch mine. Her eyes don't look as sad as I thought they would. I guess she'll be okay after all.

"Give Jazzy a pat from me." I tell her, moving a stray strand of hair out of my face.

"I will." Julie sighs, gazing at the landscape, stables and buildings behind us. "Good luck." She says. As much as those words usually bother me, she means the best.

"Good luck to you too." I say. The trailer clatters, Jazzy obviously getting impatient in the confined space. I can see her chestnut coat in the trailer window. Julie rolls her eyes and I laugh.

"Guess you better go then." I sigh.

"Yeah." With that Julie hops into the little bright red car, where her parents are waiting. It turns on with a low grumble and I stand back, watching as it drives away. Julie waves frantically, her face glued to the window, and soon i'm waving back. My hand keeps moving even after she's long down the driveway. Only when I can't see the little red car anymore, do I allow myself to stop.


"Bring your horses to a walk." Mr. Harvey motions us to the centre.

Sweat is running down my neck, and Olympia's coat matches my sweaty appearance. The scorching sun glares down on us from the cloudless sky. Dynamite snorts, and Dylan shifts in the saddle, catching my attention. My eyes skim over the other riders. Alex's horse, Carpe Diem, is panting, nostrils flared and his buckskin coat a shade darker from sweat. Bondi, Cilia's horse cocks a foot as Cilia wipes sweat of her face, almost slouching in the saddle. My eyes reach Sienna's horse, Estelle. Her snow-white coat is sweaty too, but she doesn't seem tired, still paying perfect attention to Sienna, who sits up straight as always.

I sit up straighter myself, patting Olympia and redirecting my attention to the coach. It's been a hard lesson, with only five of us, the coaches can pay more attention to our individual riding, which means more work. 

"Okay, good lesson today. I keep being impressed by your skills... as you know we'll only have three lesson days, including today. On Thursday the competition begins with dressage, Friday cross country and it will end on Saturday with showjumping."

Three lesson days, two lessons a day, means six lessons before the competition. I take a deep breath. We are ready. 

"You are dismissed, don't forget to do your chores." His gaze lingers on Sienna for a second as he says this and I have a feeling she hasn't been pulling her weight. Sienna doesn't seem to care or even notice.

Mr. Harvey walks out of the arena, tapping his pen to his clipboard absentmindedly. Sienna gets off her horse and I watch her hand Estelle to a groom, leaving him to take care of cooling the mare down. Sienna struts away and my eyes leave her. Swinging myself out of the saddle, I loosen the girth, feeling Olympia's sweaty coat with my other hand.

"You're gonna need a shower, your so sweaty." I mumble.

Dylan stays on his gorgeous black stallion, walking him on a long rein as Cilia and Alex get off as well.

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