Chapter 3: Not So Flawless

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After putting our horses away, Steph, Brian, Audrey and I drag ourselves back to the hotel. We are all tired from the long day. It's hard to imagine that in just two more days, i'll either be going to tryouts with nineteen other riders, or i'll be going home. At the thought, my stomach twists into knots and an anxious feeling overcomes me from head to toe. I try to push the thought away, bringing my attention to Steph who sits cross legged on the hotel bed next to me, brushing her blonde hair darkened from the long shower she took.

I know Steph feels slightly defeated by today's round. She didn't make the top six and when Audrey showed us the score sheets, she was towards the bottom. I comfort myself in the knowledge that Steph will be flawless in dressage tomorrow.

"So... ready for dressage?" I ask, breaking the silence in the small room. I'm thankful Steph wanted to room with me instead of her parents, since otherwise I would have to be alone or with Audrey, both of which are unpleasant options.

"Yeah I think so. I mean Alvin's a dressage star," Steph speaks quietly.

"He is. I know you guys will do absolutely amazing tomorrow." I give her shoulder a reassuring pat and then climb under my covers, switching the bedside table lamp on my side of the room off.

Steph does the same and the room goes dark.

"Good night," Steph yawns, adjusting her position loudly.

"Good night." 

Both of our alarm clocks go off at five, blaring through my peaceful sleep. Steph groans, hitting the table multiple times before her hand lands on the snooze button. I turn my alarm off. Sitting up in bed, I stretch, knowing i'll have to get up anyway. Might as well take my time.

I stumble over to the curtains and pull them open, greeted by a sharp glare of early sunshine. Steph groans and plants her pillow onto her head. Blinking until my eyes adjust, I head into the bathroom to get ready.

I slip into a pair of old brown jodhpurs and the periwinkle blue shirt that has Cedar Vale Saddle Club written in bold letters at the back. This way I won't get my show clothes dirty as I prepare Olympia for today's event, dressage.

Breakfast goes by quickly in the hotel's buffet area, with Steph barely staying awake through it. Audrey gives us a mere ten minutes to pack everything and leave to the show grounds. My duffel bag bounces against my back as we hurry to the car. Brian, Steph and I cram into the back seat, busying ourselves with pointless chatter to distract ourselves from the nerves. Soon we stand in the parking lot, the sun rising above the trees, warming my shoulders as a cool breeze blows past. I can already tell it will be a nice day. 

The stable is quite empty, with only a couple others getting their horses ready.

"Time to wake up girlie." I mumble as I unlatch Olympia's stall door and slip inside with my grooming kit. Olympia walks over to me, leaning into my touch as I pat her. Grateful as ever for the privacy that the stall provides, I let Olympia wander around as I give her already clean coat a thorough grooming. Everything has to be beyond perfect for dressage. The event starts at nine thirty and yet again I am one of the first to go. It's already seven, knowing this I speed up, cleaning her hooves and applying a clear coat of hoof polish.

I slip the halter over Olympia's ears and tie her up as I start braiding.

"You ready for dressage my superstar?" Olympia snorts and shakes her mane. I hold onto the unfinished braid tightly. "Hey... It's okay girl. I know dressage isn't our strong suit but we've got this." Olympia flicks her ears in understanding and I smile.

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