Chapter 5: Bittersweet Goodbye

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An hour later all sixty of us stand in the olympic sized arena without our horses, waiting. The list for tryouts will be called out any second. Streaks of orange are beginning to overtake the darkening sky, but the setting sun doesn't give us a break from the scorching heat and beads of sweat line my forehead. I shift from foot to foot, reviewing my rides in my head. I placed twice and came 7th for dressage... I should make it right?

"Quiet down. Quiet down." The head judge speaks into the microphone. It doesn't take long for the quiet whispers to fade away.

"Alright, we'll call everyone who makes it in order... if you hear your name, join us at the front." I can feel the unsteady palpitations of my heart in every limb. Audrey's eyes narrow as she watches the three of us from the stands. I make sure to seem confident as her eyes burn through me.

"Sienna Ross, Dylan Johnson, Cilia Devaux... Alina Briar." A wave of relief and happiness floods over me. I made it. Thank god. I watch Audrey's face as she gives me a small smile of approval and I join the line of riders with immense gratitude... Now that I know I am safe, I cross my fingers, hoping more than ever that Steph and Brian will make it.

"Hannah Williams, Alex Carter, Charlie Albertson..." I strain my ears. Please.

"Julie Martinez, Noah Brown, Rosie Conner, Michael Karlson, Allan Rogers..." No. No. No. Come on. "Leah Clift, Jaxon Bailey, Ana Lundström, Kayla Roberts, Leon Hilliker, Ian Lanes, Taylor Dawson, and finally... Maisie Southgate." No Stephanie Sullivan and no Brian Lester. A guilty feeling spreads through me as I watch the remaining forty stand around. It's like I took their places. But I have to make it, this is my only chance and I deserve it, I worked so hard. My eyes land on Steph's face. The sadness and anger are more than apparent. As we make eye-contact she looks away, desperate to avoid my eyes.

At least i'm safe. I might have overworked myself, but if that's what it takes to get to the top, then that's what i'm going to do.

"The remaining competitors thank you for attending, everyone did a great job. I would like to remind the riders chosen for tryouts that you will be expected at Collins Equine Academy in a week."

The relief gives into more nerves. This isn't over yet, I still have to beat nineteen others to get that scholarship. If I don't, there's no way i'm ever getting in. My parents don't have the money and even if they did, I bet they wouldn't use it on some horse school.

I meet Steph and Brian outside the arena. Steph wears a scowl that she couldn't hide if she tried. She's not happy. My mouth opens and closes, then opens again as I begin to speak. 

"Guys I-i'm sorry. I—"

"Don't." Steph snaps. I open my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. She's so competitive, but she has to know that this isn't what I wanted. Of course I wanted them to make it, they're like my family because of the amount of time i've spent on the show circuit with them.

"Steph come on, it's not her fault." Brian tries. I give him a sad smile.

"I really wish you guys had made it." I say.

Brian nods. "I know—"

"You don't even care!" Steph interrupts, pure rage piercing through her voice, jealousy burning in her pale blue eyes. She turns her back to us and starts to walk away.

"Steph please—" I try.

"Don't! Just leave me alone." She makes an aggressive gesture with her hand and disappears behind a trailer. My heart drops. I know how important this was to her.

I'm about to follow, but Brian stops me.

"Just give her some time."

"But I don't have time!" My hands slump to my sides. "I just—I just don't want to leave things this way."

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