Chapter 10: Flying

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The next day is a Sunday, it's a day off for everyone. Everyone except me. No day is a day off for me, not really. I still rise early, around six o'clock. I yawn and clamber into a sitting position. My muscles ache, I'm sore everywhere. Something i'm only too familiar with.

I groan as I pull myself out off bed and to the closet. I fumble through the clothes until I find my adidas shirt and black yoga pants. Leah snores from the other side of the room. She stayed out late last night with some of her friends, celebrating that they are safe. Well safe for now anyway.

I slip into my running shoes and trudge to the bathroom to get ready. It only takes me a few minutes until I am out the door. I grab a black running jacket on the way and pull it over the t-shirt. It rained overnight and it's a bit chilly. Dew drops glisten in the sun, and the air is crisp.

Alex doesn't join me today, he's too sore. Hah, like i'm not. It's nice to run alone though. My muscles still ache when I get back, but I do my daily workout, pushups and all. After that, I feel like collapsing. Despite this, I get dressed in the old pair of brown breeches from yesterday and a lilac polo shirt before heading straight to the barn.

I can't help but admire the old style red brick dorms as I pass them and the stone brick, wooden school buildings.

"Hey." I cluck a little to get Olympia's attention as I reach her stall. She perks up and comes to the door as I open it. "Hello beautiful." I say stroking her soft muzzle.

I go to my grooming kit and start with massaging her using the curry comb. As usual I let her wander around as I brush her.

"My muscles hurt like crazy... yours?" I ask. Olympia snorts. "It was so worth it though, you were amazing , and at least we wiped that stupid smirk of Jaxon's face. We beat him you know, quite badly. It's a pity he didn't get eliminated." I pick up the dust brush and keep going with grooming her, making sure to be firm, but gentle at the same time, just the way my horse likes it.

"Why does everyone have such bad sportsmanship these days. I mean Jaxon and Sienna? Are you kidding me?" I move over to Olympia's left side to keep brushing her.

"Ooh nervous?" I imitate Sienna's voice and Olympia nudges me making me laugh. "Oh and don't forget the clothes and makeup? I agree, what is wrong with people?"

Stroking Olympia's neck I go over to the grooming kit and get my glossy wooden soft brush out before continuing with the grooming session.

"We got third though, you think that's good enough? I mean Dylan—Dylan rides a stallion and he got second." I lean against Olympia, letting my hand drop to my side and Olympia keeps herself still for me. "What if we can't do this?" I ask, pulling away and brushing the upper part of her back. Olympia turns her head around and nudges me, making me stumble. "Okay, okay positive thinking. Of course we'll make it." Olympia cocks a foot and her ears flick back and forth.

I move onto the hoof pick, cleaning each hoof thoroughly, avoiding the centre. Next I clean her most sensitive areas like the face with a damp towel. After that, I work through her mane and tail before finishing up. 

"I think you'll like this." I whisper, rummaging through my pocket to find the treats I had put in there. "There you go." I hold my hand out flat and Olympia gulps the treats down in a matter of seconds. I roll my eyes at the speed of which she manages to eat. "It's going to be a nice day, I might as well turn you out into the pasture." I get the navy blue halter and slide it over her face.

"Come on girl." I cluck, leading her out of her stall and down the aisle towards the main door of the barn.

The sunshine lights Olympia's bay coat in flames, her coat looks noticeably redder in the sunlight. Once in the pasture, I unclip the lead rope from the halter. "Bye Olympia, i'll come see you later." I promise stroking her cheek before turning away and walking back towards the gate. I sigh. There is a snort behind me. Turning around I start laughing. Olympia followed me,

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