Chapter 6: The beginning

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We navigate the paths bordered by black lamp posts until we reach the main school building. We are meant to meet in the theatre. There are already a couple families inside. Hearing Audrey's voice in my head, I take a breath, angle my chin up and force my expression to form a determined smile. Olympia and I are just as good as anyone else.

My eyes travel around the theatre. To the red velvet curtains, wooden stage with the microphone... and the people. I don't want to think about the nineteen other people. Whether they are ready to accept it or not we all have one goal; to win the scholarship. The thing is, only one person can win and that makes us competitors. 

A lady waltzes onto the stage. She wears a black pencil skirt, white blouse and glasses. Her tan skin is slightly wrinkled and her blonde hair is greying at the roots. Mrs. Collins, the establisher and principle of Collins Equine Academy. What an honour it is to see her in flesh and blood. She's here. I'm here. In the same place. A former olympian and an equestrian star. I am in awe.

She clears her throat, but everyone is already quiet. You could hear a pin drop on the other side of this room. 

"Welcome." Her voice rings out clearly. "Welcome to Collins Equine Academy, I look forward to watching all of you throughout the tryouts. In four weeks, one of you will be here on a full scholarship, and two of you will be here on half scholarships. I wish you all the best of luck..."

Luck. I don't believe in luck, partly because i've always been so unlucky. I believe in hard work.

The speech lasts a long, long time. Although it might be tempting to tune out of the seemingly boring speech, I hang onto every word. I don't want to miss any information that could help me in any way. There isn't any time to be "bored."


My mother and I navigate the paths of the campus, hauling my suitcases and duffel bags. The dormitories are olden style red brick buildings. They look absolutely gorgeous with green vines and plants growing in patches across the outside walls, daffodils growing underneath the windows.

My room is the second on the right, I'm rooming with Leah Clift. I dig my mind for information about her, or an image of how she looks like, but honestly I don't even remember hearing her name.

The room has a rustic feel to it with the egg shell coloured walls, wooden floor and white trim windows. Two beds are placed underneath the two windows, and two wooden closets stand on the sides.

"This is nice," My mum says.

"Yeah it's cozy." I agree with a smile as we begin to unpack some of my things. We aren't people to waste time since my mum is a hard working lawyer and I definitely inherited that quality.

Time passes quickly and soon the door opens again. A girl, who I assume to be Leah, walks in with her parents. Her golden brown hair hangs straight around her shoulders. She wears jeans, a floral off-the shoulder type top and sunglasses on her forehead.

"Hey... I'm Alina." I say with a small smile. I swear I can taste the awkwardness in the air. If only I had worked as hard on my social skills as I had on my horse riding.

"Leah. Nice to meet you." She smiles back, less awkwardly.

The parents join in with introductions and all of us keep unpacking. My mum chatters with her parents excitedly, while I tend to be more reserved.

"So you're the one with the bay mare, right?" Leah asks.

"Yeah. Her name's Olympia," I say

"I have a mare too, the flea bitten grey thoroughbred, her name is Day Break, she's called Daisy."

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