Chapter 2: Target

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Audrey greets me at the gate and I bend down to kiss Olympia, showering her with praise.

"Good ride. But, It could've been smoother on the triple," Audrey says stroking Olympia's neck. Compliments don't slip her mouth too often so I cherish the moment.

Steph and Brian rush over to me as I dismount. But I ignore them for a minute, grasping Olympia into a tight hug, this is her moment. She nudges my head in her gentle demeanour and I laugh.

"You're a true superstar, you were beyond perfect. Thank you." I whisper, kissing her soft muzzle and moving my attention to my teammates.

Steph's blonde hair is in a tight glossy bun, and it doesn't move, even when she bounces over to me excitedly.

"Your ride was so good!" She exclaims, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Thanks." I laugh.

Brian pats Olympia, "She's right. Your time was really fast. I think you could win."

"Nonsense!" I laugh, throwing my head back. "There's no way you can know that yet. There's still fifty people to go, including you guys."

"That is true." Steph smiles cheekily and we all burst into laughter. She is definitely the most competitive one of us.

Together, we lead Olympia into the shade of the great oak tree where Brian's horse, Limited Edition or Eddie as we call him, is tacked up. He's up next. Eddie stands at an impressive 17 hands high, his flea-bitten grey coat gleaming in the scorching heat of the summer sun. He stands so calmly, lapping at the water he has been given, completely ignoring the constant chaos around the show-grounds.

I tie Olympia back to the fence, thankful for the shade of the tree. I untack, there's still plenty of time until the rest of the riders finish so I might as well. A weight is lifted of my shoulders now that Olympia and I have gone and so I busy myself helping Brian get ready. For a final touch, I smoothen black hoof polish onto Eddie's giant feet.

"I think he looks ready," I say with a smile.

"Thanks." Brian replies, patting Eddie's neck.

"Good luck, I know you guys will kill it." I give Eddie one last pat and walk away as Audrey waltzes over and starts to pep-talk Brian. I watch him with a sympathetic gaze and hope Audrey won't freak him out. I'm more than used to dealing with constant criticisms, so I don't usually get too anxious with her strictness. Steph and I head to the stands to watch Brian's turn. Sooner than we expected the announcer calls his name.

"Brian Lester riding Limited Edition."

I take a deep breath. Come on. Steph has gotten her phone out and is already filming the round. My eyes move to Brian's parents, his mother, Melanie, looks more nervous than he does, clutching his dad's hand tightly. His dad on the other hand, is holding a giant thumbs up to his son and mouthing words of encouragement. A small pang of jealousy hits me, but I push it away quickly. It's ridiculous to feel jealous of my teammates, since their parents always show up to shows. But my teammates are like my brothers and sisters, their parents sort of like my parents at times. But it could never be the same.

Brian canters to the first jump with his gelding. The pair looks cool as a cucumber when they clear it. I cross my fingers and hope that they do well. The next few jumps are cleared in the same manner. Their technique is flawless from what I can tell. Perfect turns, perfect lines, but will their time be fast enough?

Eddie takes big strides towards the triple. Up and over, one stride and up again, another stride and up for the third time.

My eyes follow them around the course, which looks noticeably smaller from the stands. The final jump approaches and they clear it with room to spare. I jump up from my seat, clapping as loudly as my hands can manage as Steph joins in, whooping with excitement.

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