Chapter 16

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Spencer walked by me in the hall, smirking at me the whole time. What is he doing here..? I thought before I saw him sticking his tongue down Allison's throat. How could she handle that

"Call 911.." I whisper.

"What?" Miles whispers back before pulling out his phone. I grab his phone and dial the police explaining the situation.


I was leaving school, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I flinch instantly.

"You okay?" I hear the voice say. I turn around to see Crawford.

"What do you want?" I spit out, continuing to walk.

"Listen. I'm sorry... it's just, I thought Spencer was in your room for the worst.. Forgive me?" He smiles, walking with me.

"If.." I start to say, as he crouches under me. He knew I wanted a piggy back ride. I jump on to his back.

After a while we get to my house and sit on the bed. I've already changed into a comfy crop top and pajama shorts because fuck being 17 and social. I speak up "You know we are over... Right..?"

I felt his eyes on me..

"It's a sad thing to say.. but yes." he places his hand on my knee.

He removes his hand, "So we are friends..?"

"Yeah. You could say that." I smile at him

"That's gonna be... tough.." He sighs. I look over at him which makes us look into each other's eyes. He breaks that glance by laying down. I get up and straddle him, and he puts his hands under my thighs

"Thought we were just friends" he smirks.

"Well.. This doesn't have to be sexual." I laugh and get off from him.

"It could be." he jumps up and chases me around the house, trying to tackle me.

"Crawford! No!" I yell as he catches me and throws me on the couch, sitting next to me.

"Really Crawford?" I punch Crawford in the arm.

"Yep" he pops up from the couch to instantly go to my fridge. I sit on the island behind him and he grabs a water.

"Water? really? When there's tea, lemonade, milk, dr. pepper, coke, crush, root beer, sprite, apple juice and Gatorade? Like shit man." I laugh listing drinks from the fridge.

"Maybe I don't want that- Oh! Cookies!" he cuts himself off, pulling out cookie dough. I roll my eyes, and he stands between my legs.

"Hey." he smiles

"Hey." I grab him by the sides of his hoodie and pull him closer.

"Flirty." he mumbles before connecting his lips with mine. He carries me on to the couch, so I am straddling his lap.

"WE'RE HOM- Oh." I hear Max, mom and dad yell.

I basically jump off of Crawford, landing on the floor.

"Knew we shouldn't have trusted her, how long should we ground her? 1 month?" Max crosses his arms.

"No no no, she did nothing wrong." my mom glares at Max. I look at my mom, and see how much she is showing. 6 Months pregnant! she was 3 months when she told us..

"I saw that! I saw that booty touch! No one can replace!" Max says in an Indian accent. My mom and Crawford burst out laughing while my dad had a 'My daughter just got booty touched' face.

"Yep.. Oh, in recent news, Crawford and I broke up..." I bite my lip.

"Oh. Well it really looks like it with that booty touch." Max's friend, Blake walked in with bags. I can't stand Blake. He was one of my ex boyfriends for one. He's too much a flirt. he's my age, considering Max is like 19.

"Oh yeah.. Blake might be moving in." My dad walks outside, probably to get away from my yelling.

"What?! Mom is 6 months pregnant, we don't need any additions to the house!" I almost yell.

"Hey, I will be here all the time-" I cut off my thinking, I didn't want to listen to him.

"And you got kicked out of your house?" I ask. I look over to Crawford and I hadn't noticed he was in the kitchen arguing. "Yeah we made out a little.." "Chris, shut the hell up." I heard from the conversation.

"Yep." Blake drops down to the couch. "So do you give everyone that love that you gave that guy?"

"Nope." I stick my tongue out at him. Crawford was off the phone and going through my fridge.

"Crawf." I grab his arm.

"Yesss?" he follows me to my room and jumps on to the bed, looking at his phone. While he was on his phone, I got out red lipstick and put it on him, cause he was paying so much attention to his phone he didn't notice.

"Ellie. What is on my lips?" he crosses his arms.

"May or may not be red lipstick." I smirk.

"Gimme a kiss!" He wraps his arms around me.

"No!" I laugh.

"MOOOMM!" I yell.

"What?!" she bursts in to the room to start laughing.

"How- Did- this- happen?!"

"I don't know"

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CHAPTER IS OUT! My cousin has been in town so it's been kinda hard updating because we've been doing a lot. Also I didn't have service for a few days so that impacted on this story. Anyways, my good internet friend, HardeeZombieHater has created an imagine, that I inspired her to write. Its Shawn Mendes and it's called "Apologize (Shawn Mendes Imagine)" it's really good considering it's only 3 chapters long.

I'm more of a Crawford kinda girl. (Crawford Collins)Where stories live. Discover now