Chapter 17

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OH IM SOO HAPPY MY STORY HAS 1.4k READS! Thank you, my honey bunny rabbit hunter gun forest tree bird tweedy tweet twitter bug. (How my mind works Just say that really fast) -YoureFreakingIdiotic

I'm chasing Crawford around with a makeup remover cloth.

"No stop! I think this color really suits me." He laughs. I curl my lips in frustration.

"Crawford! I am not risking you going infront of either Max, or my dad in that lipstick!" I tackle him, straddling his hips and putting my knees on his hands.

"We should do this more often." he winks.

I stick my tongue out at him, clearing the lipstick from his lips.

"What are you guys doing?" Blake comes out of the kitchen with a bag of chips.

"Making out?" I release Crawfords hands, and he lays them under his head.

"What's with the red cloth?" Blake sits on the couch.

"Let's say-" I hesitate trying to find a reason. "Hmm? What is the red cloth?" Crawford smirks

"Crawford is a clumsy bastard, bit my lip." I lie.

"Yep sure.." Blake rolls his eyes.

"Why are you still on me?" Crawford laughs.

"It's quite comfortable, actually." I say. Crawford rolls his eyes.

"So basically, you guys are friends?" Blake asks. I nod.

"I've only been here a few hours and you guy have practically had sex in every room." he shoves more chips in his mouth.

I blush "Not really."

"Yeah! I agree, you guys were so close to doing the frickety frack dirty dirty bang." Max passes by (Tf? Did Max finally get laid or something?)

"What?" Crawford laughs, while I get off of him.

"$50 says once we look away, they'll be making out." Blake whispers. But as they are still looking at us, I grab Crawfords face and kiss him, him kissing back and it turns to hardcore making out.

"You guys owe me $50." I pull away.

"No I get $50" Max says.

"The bet was Blake got $50 if we made out while his back was turned, if we didn't start making out then Max got $50. So we made out infront of your faces.. Sooo." I hold out my hand. Both of them gave me $50. I handed one to Crawford.

"What am I like a prostitute?"

"Nope, anyways these people are annoying me. Can we go to yours?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure." We get up, leaving and walking to his house.

Once we get in his house, he immediately drags me to the kitchen. i sat on the counter, biting my lip. He looked back at me

"Can you not?" he awkwardly laughs. I knew what he meant. I CAN LIP BITE IF I WANT TO.

"No! I have to." I fake moan.

"Do you really want me to fuck you senseless on that counter?" he laughs

"Im good with the fucking senseless, but not the counter part. Thats were people cook food. Ya nasty"

He rolls his eyes. i hear the door open, i look and see Chris.

"Oh hey." Chris waves and sits to my left

"Hey," i wrap my left arm around his shoulder, and with my other arm, I hold my left arm. He wraps his arm around me.

"Good to see you." I tip my imaginary hat.

"Good to see you too." he smiles.

"Anyways, Crawford, my flight leaves in like 5 minutes." chris says.

i look at him, giving a death stare, so close to his face that my nose is touching his cheek.

"What are you doing?" they laugh

"To. Where?" i chop up my two words.

"Oh, im going to-" i got a text message, and i cut chris off.

"Oh! i got a text message. I now have no interest in what you are saying." i check my phone. Oh and while i focus i normally bite my lip, so i bite my lip reading the text message. 'Oh... I expect you home tomorrow.. Before noon.' it was from Max of course. Why does he have to baby me.

He leaves and immediately, Crawford jumps on the the couch, with a soda, chips, popcorn and a movie.

"What movie is it?" i sit next to him, shoving popcorn in my face, then shoving popcorn in to his face

"Its- Ferris Bueller's day off." he chews the popcorn slowly.

"Oh. That's nice." I smile.

Halfway through the movie, I look at Crawford, totally engulfed in the movie.

I'm more of a Crawford kinda girl. (Crawford Collins)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang