Chapter 12

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Everyone went home, Crawford passed out, Chris was too and I finally left, dragging half asleep, wasted Max with me. He was stumbling and he fell right on to the couch. Instantly sleeping. I could feel the same way, so I walked up to my room practically flying into my bed and sleeping..


I woke up, to my mom opening my blinds at a rapid rate. I look up to see the time as 10:15 am. I got home at 7 am

"Moooom. It's like 10 am."

"Yeah.. You said you'd be home early, so let's see how long you last." She smirks and pulls me out of bed and down the hall, to see my brother cooking. He's handling the hangover nicely, my mother leaves the room.

"Did you tell her?" I ask.

"No.. But I'm gonna." He flips the pancakes.

"Then I'll tell her how drunk you were. She'll never trust you ever again."

"So how are you not hungover?" I ask

"Oh boy I am. I normally get up at 10 am." I get a text. 'I need advice.' - Chris.

'Alright! come over.' I text back.

"CHRIS IS COMING OVER!" I yell and at an instant, Max clutches his head.

The doorbell ring and he has his little moment of dying over there.

I open the door to a tired looking Chris. I was in pajama shorts and a tanktop, looking like I was half naked of something.

"What do you need?" I ask, sitting at the table with him.

"I'm kinda dating someone right now and-"

"WHO?!" I practically attack him.

"I can't tell you." he smiles.

I look at him for a second.

"Would you get off of me now."

"Did I ever tell you how awesome your eyes were? Wanna trade eyes?"

"Just get off the fucking guy, don't you have Crawford? what happened to him?"

"He's hungover.." Chris says.

"And im pissed off at him." I get off from Chris.

"I fucking hate Cameron. She's such a bitch." Chris says. Did those words come out of his mouth.

"Just kidding! she's pretty, funny.." he continues I honestly think him and Cameron are dating.


We walk into Chris's house and see a girl coming out of Crawford's room, and Crawford pulling me to the side.

"We're friends, right?" he asks.

"Yeah.." my heart just shatters.

"I kinda slept with this girl.. and I don't even like her, I was drunk.. What do I do?" he rambles.

"You slept with that girl?" that girl was one of my good friends, Lilly.

"Yeah.." he scratches the back of his neck. I let out a sarcastic small laugh. tears were forming in my eyes. I was pissed.

"Are you so oblivious?!" I yell at him.

"What? Ellie, calm down. What's wrong?" he puts his hand on my back. I just shake it off.

"You don't know how much I actually like you! I thought you liked me back. I'm sitting here quietly as you just sleep with another girl. Like, what the hell Crawford?-" I was cut off by Crawford.

"Well I don't like you back! I was being nice so I helped you. Jesus. I do something nice for someone and they think I like them."

"Fucking douchebag." I walk away out of their house and run home crying.

I'm more of a Crawford kinda girl. (Crawford Collins)Where stories live. Discover now