Chapter 15

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I woke up. Chris was sitting next to the couch, on a chair and Crawford was sitting on the other chair that was next to the couch. I got angry seeing Crawford.

"Ah, you have awoken!" one police officer said. guess he was the one to stick around.

"What happened?" I got up, clutching my head.

"Well you were having a terrible anxiety attack and you passed out, we figured you were nervous about telling the truth so we searched the house.. Nothing, but we did find Spencer Brock's wallet. He is a very horrible young man."

"Yes.. but you still let him get bailed out." I reply.

"No. He escaped." The name tag said Alex Smith. "Can you tell me why he was in your room and why you had an anxiety attack for what reason?" Mr. Smith continues.

Chris and Crawford remained quiet, staring at me.

My eyes trailed around the room. The clock on the kitchen oven said 7 am.. How long was I out?

"Miss Knight?" Mr. Smith questioned.

Tears formed in my eyes. I shook my head.

"Well.. If it seems to be so bad.. and you want to tell us in the future, report it. Please." Mr. Smith smiled and left.


It was lunch in school.. Next period I had to spend in the same class as Crawford.. I noticed all Cameron, Chris and Crawford were ignoring me. Chris and Cameron looked at me like they wanted to talk to me.

I walk by Chris and drag him by his shirt.

"What?!" he yells at me. I wince. everything scared me now.

"Why have you not been talking to me?!" I ask

"You did 'stuff' with Spencer! You cheated on my brother!" he glares.

"Chris! I was almost raped by Spencer! You're brother was kissing Lilly." I slide down the wall, putting my knees to my chest and silently crying. Chris walks away but comes back with Crawford.

"We are gonna sort this out now!" Chris yells.

"What? She cheated on me, end of discussion." Crawford crosses his arms

"You kissed Lilly! I didn't do anything with Spencer!" I cried harder.

"I didn't kiss Lilly!" he argues.

"Sure... You probably don't remember because you were drunk off your ass!" I scream at him, and walk off back to lunch.


"Hello, class. Starting off is we will be discussing a project you will be doing.." Mrs.Daniella starts off class.

She gives her lesson, speaking of the project.. Mrs.Daniella said people could sleep in their class an if I miss something then I have to reteach myself. So I just fall asleep.

"Wake up!" I hear a voice and someone tap my shoulder. I jolt awake and the voice laughs and sits next to me.

"A major fuck you." I look up and flip them off. Ah. It's Miles. He has turned into a school player, dating and cheating. I noticed how close Crawford and him were.

"Polite." he smiles.

"Do the project." he pushes his books and papers towards me.

I roll my eyes "Actually no." I was organizing the papers and books in a pile and I drop it all on his lap, trying to close my eyes so I can fall asleep.

"I was kidding. Anyways, people lean on me to do the project... So?.." I rest my head on my hand.

"I'm doing 50% of the project" I yawn.

"Miles, Eliana! Please, I have to use your desks for a quick conference.. So since you guys are my most trusted students, could you do the rest of class in the hall?" Mrs. Daniella asks. We nod, walking out of the door.

I look around nervously, seeing Spencer.


You should see how HardeeZombieHater treats me 😔

I'm more of a Crawford kinda girl. (Crawford Collins)Where stories live. Discover now