A scary part was on. I got a pillow and held it to my chest. The main character suddenly screamed, then the lights went out. That's when I screamed.

"Jeasus Christ, what happened?" I covered my mouth. I wonder if the other guys heard that. I stood up.

"Is there a flash light around?" I asked.

"No" Darry responded. I sighed.

"Well, can someone come with me to get my iphone?" It was quiet for a while.

"Why? Are you scared?"

"Pshht, yea right" I replied. Okay, that was a big lie. Who knows what can jump out at you in the dark. Myabe, I shouldn't watch a movie at night while it's raining really hard.

"I'll go" I heard Dally say.

"Okay, c'mon" I replied. I began walking, when I suddenly tripped and fell.

"Oww" I said. I felt strong arms help me up.

"Are you alright?" I move my hair out of my face.

"Yea, I'm fine" I responded. I place my hand on the wall and keep it there while I head towards my room, or wherever I'm going. I stop for a while, causing Dally to bump into me.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I don't know where I'm going" I replied. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, and I noticed we were already in my room.

"Oh, now I know" I add. I go over to the little desk next to the bed, and grab my phone. I have a flash light app, so now we weere able to see. I looked up at Dally and smiled. "Hi" I said. He smiled back, then kissed me. We stay that way for a while, then I pull away.

"We should get back" I whisper, as I head for the door, but then he pulls me back.

"Or, we can stay here" he replied. He begins kissing my jaw and down my neck.

"Dally, let's go" I said. He pulls away and looks at me.

"Fine" he replied. He's the first to exit the room, I just follow. I wonder if he's mad at me or something.

If he is, what do I do? I've nver had a boyfriend before, so I don't know. We walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Let me see that" Soda said. I handed him my phone and he placed it in the middle of the room. We just there for a while, it was pretty awkward. Like sitting in a room with complete strangers.

"So, what now?" I asked, breaking the silence. They all shrugged.

"How bout we tell scary stories?" Two-bit suggested. Everybody agreed, and we began. Two-bit went first. I wasn't really paying attention, I was too busy wondering if Dally was upset with me or something. I wanted to ask him, but at the same time, I didn't. Well, I have to take the chance.

"Dally" I said quietly. He turned to me.

"A-are you mad at me?" He looked at me for a while, then cracked a smile.

"Why would I be mad at you for?" I shrugged.

"I just thought you were" I replied. He jently kissed me on the forehead.

"I don't think I can be mad at you" he said. Now that made me smile. He got my had and held it. I rested my head on his shouler. I'm glad he isn't mad at me.

"Your turn". Two-bit's voice caught me by surprise.


"Your turn to tell a story" he responded.

"True or false?" They all looked at eachother, then back at me.

"True" they all said in union. I thought for a while, then thought of one.

"Well, when I was little, I used to see ghost. And I would always see this specific ghost. It was a man all in white, wearing a farming hat. And he would pass by my window. Well, one day I didn't see him. It was the same day I went over to my cousin's house for a sleepover. It was me, my cousin gabby, my cousin Myra, and our friend Pricilla. Well, we were all in the living room playing around, when we began hearing footsteps in the hallway. We decided to ignore it and keep on talking about random stuff. We heard them two more times, then they stopped. We thought it was all over, so we just began enjoying the rest of the night. Well, we were about to go to sleep. We turned off the Tv and we were about to turn off the lights too, when the Tv turned on and began going crazy. And there was a chair in the corner, and it began moving by itself. We got freaked out and hid under the covers. We went asleep a few minutes after it stopped. Anyway, around three in the morning, I woke up and saw my cousin being dragged by her feet into the hallway. I screamed as loud as I could and woke up my cousins and Pricilla. We were able to pull my cousin back. After that night, I wasn't able to stay there even a second ofter sunset." They all looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wow, and that's true?" I nodded.

"Damn, did t know that could happen" Dally said.

"Well it did, and now that's why I'm a little afraid of the dark" I confessed. The gang chuckled.

"Its not funny guys" I whined.

"Sorry" Sodapop apologized.

"Well, your here with seven brave guys, I don't think anything will happen to ya" Soda said. I smiled.

"I know" I replied.


Hey guys, srry for the wait. I've been having writers block. By the way, the scary story is true, except for the dragging thing. Well hope y'all like it :)))

The outsiders (My story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن