Operator Video Ideas

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Ninjamain and StrmDominatr  did this for their OCs, so why can't I?


"Many people fear death. Some don't, like me, but many do."

A group of terrorists are relaxing in a room, seemingly unaware of what is about to happen to them. Meanwhile the clicking of a grenade cap can be heard.

"Some question what happens after death. Some think we reincarnate, some think we just die, some think we go to heaven or hell. Personally, I prefer the latter."

A Hydra is thrown into the room and sets off it's smoke configuration. The terrorists are frantic as they grab their weapons and look around. They begin to disappear one by one, until only a few are left.

"Those who do believe in the afterlife, believe that there are higher beings. Those who believe tend to fear these beings."

Another Hydra in it's flash configuration detonates, and three more terrorists are killed. The last one continues to regain his sight before he's knocked down. When his sight returns, he looks up and is met with a pistol.

"Those who believe, are to fear me."


A single casing clatters to the floor, before Lucifer sets his pistol down and looks to the camera.

El Muro

"Any punk with a ski mask and a gun can call themselves a terrorist, can think they can prey on the weak."

A half dozen terrorists are firing at something while using a pile of rubble as cover. They are frantic and shooting wildly. Whatever they're firing at us unknown.

"Our job, is to protect the weak. To be the sword and shield of the people, of the innocent."

The terrorists continue to fire at their target while the camera pans over to what they're shooting at. A stretched wall of thin but durable bulletproof mesh is stretched out. Behind it, Muro is loading his Vector.

"I'm neither sword nor shield. I'm the wall. The wall that separates the weak, the greedy, and the malicious, from the innocent."

The terrorists all realize they've run out of ammo and begin to panic. As this happens Muro emerges from his cover and opens fire on all of them, obliterating them.

"And if they want to get to those people. They're gonna have to get through me."

Zoom in on his helmet and he looks around before cutting to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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