Chapter 4: Operation Detox

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Next Day
1400 Hours
Your POV

"Hermano?" I heard a knock at my door. I got up and went to answer it, opening it to see Ernesto. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you Six needs you for your next- have you been crying?"

I nodded and looked away solemnly. Ernesto sighed and slowly wrapped his arms around me in an embrace. It was a comforting one, one that an older sibling would give. My emotions were mixed in reaction, but I mainly knew I wanted to return the embrace, but I didn't...I couldn't.

"I miss them more everyday too Y/N. But sooner or later, you have to let it go." He said and kissed me on the forehead before walking away down the hall. If only he was there when I found them, he'd understand that the scenes of that day are forever branded into my mind. But he doesn't, and I can't hold it against him.

"Easier said than done..." I mumbled and made my way to the operations room. Inside some of my coworkers were already there which included Craig, Seamus, Elena, Ela, and Meghan. I sat down next to the men and we all waited as Six entered the room. She gave us all a warming smile before greeting us.

"Good afternoon operators, today I have details for your next op. Now I've already deployed many of your other colleagues because as of yesterday a large string of bomb sites have come up across the world. Castellano, can you tell us where these bomb sites are?" She looked to Meghan/Valkyrie, who got up and turned on the room's projector which displayed a world map with marked locations.

"While I was working with the intelligence division yesterday we caught wind of attack targets for the White Masks. Places like Madrid, Paris, San Diego, Beijing, Saint Petersburg, and so on. Our target today is in the city of Mecca. As you all know a majority of the world's Muslim population completes their pilgrimage here, so it would make a great target with a lot of casualties. Our job is to find the chemical bomb sites, disarm them, and kill any White Masks we come across. Anything to add ma'am?" She finished.

"No, you covered it all. You heard it here operators. Get geared up and take a folder with you, it contains all of the details for your mission. Remain vigilant, remain strong, and most importantly, stay safe. Dismissed." We all got up and followed her out, each of us grabbing a folder along the way. We all marched towards the armory and locker room, first stopping at the latter and gearing up. I immediately open up my locker and begin to assemble my combat gear, finishing by grabbing my helmet and making sure the straps of my armor are secure.

"Everyone suited?" Craig asked. When everyone answered we all made a B-line to the armory. There I grabbed my HK417 and USP 45. The armorer also handed me my personal case that contained Hydras. Grabbing three I turned to see everyone checking their equipment.

"Let's move." Craig ordered and we all left the armory, making our way to the airstrip. There a plane was already waiting for us, it's engines at full. We quickly boarded it and took our seats. As the plane took off Mira nudged my shoulder.

"¿Estas bien?" She asked me in Spanish. I looked at her and only nodded. "I ask because you look kinda down."

"I'm fine...just lack of sleep is all." My modifier was off so I sounded normal, need to change that when we arrive. Speaking of sleep, I should catch up on it. I lean back in my seat and turn off the Nightwatch, closing my eyes as well until we made it to Saudi Arabia.

Operation Briefing: Begin

•Objective: Neutralize biochemical containers and any hostiles within the vicinity.
•Location: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
•Estimated # of hostiles: 30
•Hostiles have been confirmed to be White Mask soldiers, extreme caution advised.
•Active Operators: Blackbeard, Sledge, Lucifer, Ela, Mira, and Valkyrie
•Additional Reinforcements: None
•Mission Status: Active

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