Chapter 19 : Easier to forget

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Chapter 19 : Easier to forget

           Kyle returned back to his position as two of his team member returned back to the room, leaving Lauren all by herself with her coffee and a digital tablet. Kyle found Lauren intriguing. Even though Lauren had rejected Kyle twice, he wasn’t going to give up on her. She was alluring to him. There was certainly something different about her. The team continued watching the footage on the large screen, and JD took down the notes. The others were just seating down in awe at the screen. The working hours were almost up and the team had only watched a quarter of it.

            Lauren indicated to the team that she was leaving, she looked on her watch. It was almost five. She felt butterflies in her stomach for some reason. Maybe she still had feelings for him, either way she had to find out for herself. She waved goodbye to her new temporary colleagues and walked out of the room. Kyle barely looked up at her, let alone gave her neither a goodbye nor a smile. His navy sweater felt somewhat tighter as Lauren left the room. He took off his glasses and rubbed his tired eyes.          

           “Mate, you look terrible.” Collin said as he put on his big coat on.                                     

           “Cheers mate. You’re not so bad yourself, alright.” Kyle replied as he got up from his chair and pushed his hair out of his eyes.   

           “You coming down with me and Stew and the gang? Going for some Indian down the road. You coming or what?” Collin asked as the rest of the team exited the room. Kyle shook his head as a sign of declination.                                                                                                                              

            “Nah, i think I’m just gonna stay back for a bit. There’s some translation that needs to be done in the last footage.” Collin was confused and then just left Kyle to his work.


              Thousands upon thousands of girls waited outside the Channel 4 recording studio. The boys were just finishing up recording the episode for Alan Carr’s Chatty Man. There were certainly awkward moments during filming but they’d always have a laugh with Alan. He meant no harm of course. By the time the boys had finished and got off the set, it was already 7.30pm. One Direction slowly entered their large silver van with at least five or more bodyguards surrounding the five boys, protecting them from the crazy die-hard fans.                                                                                                 

             “Mate that was crazy, they’ve been waiting out there since we arrived here.” Zayn announced. The other boys agreed and made themselves comfortable into their seats. Joy was in the front seat, making small talks with the driver. Harry looked at his watch, it was quarter to eight.              

              “Shit. Oh, fuck.” Harry muttered under his breath, but it was loud enough for Louis to hear him.                                                                                                                                         

              “What’s up mate?” Louis asked as he unwrapped a lollipop from its wrapper and stuck it in his mouth.                                                                                                                                       

              “Nothing, i was supposed to meet someone.” Harry replied in disappointment. He took out his phone and saw three texts from Lauren and a couple from random people.                                         

               “You mean Lauren?” Liam blurted out.                                                                              

               “Sorry Harry, I had to tell him and the rest of the boys.” Louis gave an apologetic smile.      

               “Haz, you have to go now mate. Where are you meeting her?”Niall said as he chewed on some store-bought pasta.                                                                                                             

               “Wood Lane? Anyone know where that is?” Harry said desperately. Zayn gave a shrug and closed his eyes. He was drifting away in his sleep.                                                                          

              “Joy, my love. Could we stop at Wood Lane and  drop Harry off there? He has to meet someone.” Louis shouted in a politely and joyful manner to their temporary house sitter.                    

              “Wood Lane?” Joy asked in a suspicious tone.                                                                  

              “Yes, Joy. If that’s possible.” Harry replied. He gulped as butterflies were beginning to form in his gut.                                                                                                                                        

              “A girl? I don’t know if that’s a good idea Harry. It’s almost dinner. Unless it’s a dinner date i presumed” Joy asked again. She indicated to the driver beside her to make a turn and drive to Wood Lane.                                                                                                                                           

              “YES! But not just any girl Joy. This is Harry’s ex. The first love that you never forget. The first heartbreak you never get over. You know, like the one that got away?” Louis announced in a sort of convincing way to Joy. Joy felt a bit touched; there was something in Louis words that made her miss her old life.                                                                                                                                

               “Alright then, well Harry I guess you should pop out now then.” Joy said as she took out her handkerchief and wiped away a tear or two discreetly as Liam pushed the button to allow the doors to open.                                                                                                                                      

               “Are we home already? That was fast.” Zayn woke up as the van pulled to a stop.            

                “No mate, go back to sleep. We’re just dropping Harry here to see Lauren. We’re at Wood Lane ya datfy.” Niall said. He wiped his mouth with a tissue and placed his litter in the car bin. Zayn did as he told and snuggled back into his hoodie. Harry thanked Joy and their driver a million times and the boys too. He jumped out the van and started running towards the Wood Lane road sign. Lauren was nowhere to be seen. Harry stood there confused, took out his phone and checked his unread texts.

Author's note : I'm really sorry if I haven't updated much, I've been busy with college work and etc. I just moved to another state for college and I'm really homesick right now. On another note, this is how I thought Harry would react if he had another chance, a second chance with his first love. But to be honest, now I'm thinking otherwise. I wrote this almost a year ago, so I'm sorry if it doesn't really match up. It's not suppose to match up to reality but the events should follow what's happened to One Direction. Anyways, thank you for reading :)

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