Chapter 7 : Old Friend

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Author's note: Enjoy. It's really weird reading back on this fanfiction.

Chapter 7 : Old Friend

                  “Lauren?” a familiar husky voice shouted from the other end of the room. A swing of doors was heard. Lauren looked up and saw no one had actually made eye-contact with her, indicating that they had wanted to talk to her or hug her. There was no one except the other customers who had come for their dinner and they were busy with their own small talks amongst themselves, and her family who were quietly talking as well. She looked confused; she did not know who had shouted her name.    

                  “Did someone just shout my name, Dad?” Lauren asked her dad if he knew anything. He shook as a sign that meant no and continued feeding himself with spoonfuls of rice and spicy curry. Lauren walked over to her sister, and asked her the same thing.             

                 “No. I didn’t hear anyone shouting your name. Right, William?” Julia lied to her sister and then asked her one year old son. William gurgled and let out a smile. It wasn’t really a lie; she just had to protect her sister. Julia knew who had ordered from the restaurant. Harry Styles and Niall Horan had both turned up and ordered from her husband’s place. A large amount of food indeed. She had caught a glimpse of Harry before he had walked out with Niall. Julia decided not to tell her sister this as she knew that it would upset her very much.                                                                                                

                 “Why did you suddenly ask me that, Lau? Something happened?” Lauren’s sister asked and raised her eyebrows.                     

                  “No, i just thought that someone had called my name.” Lauren laughed and then stopped. “Man, I am going crazy with this jet lag. I need some alcohol.”                                             

                   “Billy, your aunt Lauren’s gone mad and she’s going to become a helpful raging alcoholic.” Julia joked and pretended to look shocked. Lauren let out a sarcastic laugh and took a glass of red wine from the table and began drinking.                                                                          

                    “Mum, Lauren’s drinking wine!” Julia ratted out her baby sister.                                

                    “Och, it’s alright love. She deserves it, but only one Lauren.” Vera warned her daughter.   

                     “Mum, I’m almost eighteen soon. Plus, we’re here to celebrate baby Billy’s birthday and my homecoming.” Lauren boasted to her mum and Vera gave her daughter a weird look and then continued to talk to her friends. Lauren finished that glass of wine in one go and people were heading back towards the tables as a large birthday cake was rolled out on a cart. It had a gigantic candle in the shape of number 1. They sang happy birthday to William and clapped. William and his parents blew out the candles. People cheered and all kissed William on his cheeks, he did not enjoy all of the attention. He began crying and Julia took him upstairs, to a small room. He must be tired Julia thought. She got William settled into a more comfortable set of clothes and began feeding him and rocking him to sleep. Sometimes on John’s late work night, he would sleep over night in that room and come home early in the morning. William was sleep as soon as his bottle finished and Julia and he headed back downstairs as the noise and talk drowned down.                                                  

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