Chapter 12 : Mrs. O'Brien

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Chapter 12 : Mrs. O'Brien

            "Mrs. O’Brien? Hi, what are you doing here?” Lauren was shocked at the sight of a small figured lady, who had aged incredibly well. The lady looked confused at Lauren.                                                                      

             “I’m sorry. How do you know who i am?” the lady asked her.                                                           

             “Mrs. O’Brien. It’s me, Lauren Davis. My mum, Vera and you used to go for afternoon tea together. And we went to the same church.” Lauren tried to remind the lady.                                     

              “Lauren, is that you? Oh my goodness gracious me, it is you, love!” Mrs O’Brien pulled Lauren into a massive hug. She was like a granddaughter to her. They began talking as Lauren walked back to the elevators. Lauren told her brief details about what she had gotten up to the last two years. Mrs O’Brien had moved to London before Lauren left Holmes Chapel. She was a widow at a very young age in her marriage and when her only son died, she couldn’t bear to live in Holmes Chapel anymore and decided to migrate closer to her sister’s family. Mrs. O’Brien told Lauren about her new life and how happy she was. She regretted not staying in contact with Lauren’s mum and apologized but Lauren comforted and said that it was alright because Vera was also busy with the new arrival of her first grandson. Mrs. O’Brien passed her congratulations to Lauren’s family as Lauren got into her lift. They had exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up for an afternoon tea.


                “You alright, mate? What were you doin’ down there?” Louis helped Harry up from his hands and feet.                                                                                                                                                                                

                “Yeah, I’m fine.” Harry lied. “I just dropped my phone. “Who was that?” he asked the other boys. “Well, we don’t know. But she was gorgeous, man.” One of them said.                                                      

                “Pftt-pft-FIT.” Niall blurted. There was another knock; it was in a more serious tone. The boys all stood up, and prepared themselves for a handshake. A man of a body builder size appeared from the door. Unexpectedly, he beamed a friendly smile at One Direction as he shook each one of their hands.                                                                                                                                                                           

                “Ahh... The famous five that has caught thousands of girls’ heart are here. It is lovely to have the opportunity to meet you all. My name is Mr. Benjamin McIntosh. But you can call me Big Boss Ben. I’m here to present you guys with great news and i hope that you guys will be on board. Please take a seat.” The boys took their seat as Big Boss Ben continued to talk and elaborate. They listened intently as Joy has ordered them too. Joy was in the corridor, waiting outside for the boys to finish up with their meeting.                                                                                                                                                                              

                 “So, One Direction, as you may or not know, you guys have caused a lot of hysteria amongst girls and a few boys, actually amongst the younger generation. Now, that’s a wonderful thing. You lads attract a lot of publicity with just your presence. We see you guys as a great bunch of role models. We would love it if you guys took time out your busy lives, to take part in our Children in Need show. Now, Simon Cowell, your manager has agreed to BBC productions and the Children in Need management team to film you guys while you do some volunteer work at the local children’s hospice. There won’t be a lot of heavy charity work. It is just a performance for the kids and some personal one to one session. You know, just to let them hang out with you guys for a while. It will be shot in the afternoon, a week before the actual day of Children in Need. I have faxed the information with Simon and Joy, whom I have led to believe, is your personal assistant.” Big Boss Ben finally ended his speech.                                                                                                                                                                   

               “Actually, sir, she is one of our best friend and team now. So she’s not really a personal assistant, but more like a mother figure, since we are constantly away from our family. She’s there to keep us boys in line and she takes good care of us.” Liam spoke. He felt like Joy should be known more than just a mere personal assistant, someone that you can just replace overnight. The boys had bonded with Joy, within a space of less than forty eight hours. “And Big Boss Ben, she makes wonderful carrot cake. Next time, we’ll bring some for you.” Louis added in, and Niall agreed with enthusiasm. Zayn’s phone buzzed in his pocket. 1 new message received. It said “DELIVERY REPORT: DELIEVERED.” He smiled to himself half-heartedly. Even though he was glad that Flora had received his text, he was frustrated that he was unable to talk to her constantly or even better, daily. He was desperately missing her. Zayn decided to text her as he presumed that the signal would be better than it had been last night.

                “Hello Flora. I hope you received my previous text. I would love to Skype with you sometime soon. Give me an update soon. Email me or anything. Take care babes. Love, Zayn ;) xxxx”

Then he pressed sent. It was delivered. Suddenly, a wave of foolishness washed over Zayn’s body. He reread his sent text, and he thought that it had sounded too desperate. Oh man, what a tool, he thought of himself.

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