Chapter 14 : One Glance

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Chapter 14 : One Glance

Lauren took her time in the bathroom as she got ready for her dinner with her sister’s family. Their parents and other family members had already left, and gone home to Holmes Chapel. She used a heat diffuser to dry her hair. Her natural curls are returned back due to the coldness in the English air. Her tan was still glowing. Lauren stared at herself; she couldn’t believe how much she had changed herself. She felt so proud of her achievements; she wanted to cry for the girl that would eat cake or chocolate whenever she was upset or sad. She slipped into her new high waist shorts and a cut off nautical shirt, and applied blusher on her cheeks and red lipstick on her lips. She blotted the excess off. Lauren’s sister and husband, along with their son were already there. It was an early opening for tonight at JUJO’S. Lauren laced up her boots and phoned up a taxi. Within fifteen minutes, she arrived at JUJO’S.


                “Right Joy, I’m going to JUJO’S now, that takeout place from last night. D'you want me to get yous anything?” Harry’s mood had lightened up, and Joy looked up from her recipe book. Louis had shoved upon her lap, an old recipe book he found on the shelf.                                                 

                  “Oh hi, love. I didn’t see you there.” Joy said as she wiped away a hidden tear. Harry hadn’t noticed as he was putting his hood up and his Converse on.

                 “Nothing much, just the same as last night i guess, but don’t get too much. I don’t want to have half-eaten takeouts in my fridge, clogging up good space for jelly. Louis wants some carrot jelly, i don’t even know if that’s possible.” Joy hid behind her forced laughter. Harry hadn’t bothered to laugh, he simply smiled.

Moments later, Harry arrived at JUJO’S and made himself comfortable in a quiet corner table by the window. Lauren walked through the front entrance; it was rather windy outside. Lauren brushed her blonde curls away from her fair. She took off her coat and hung it at the door. It was a friendly restaurant so it wasn’t like anyone was going to steal it Harry looked up from his phone. He noticed a light-coloured hair girl. As soon as she turned around, Harry looked away. He pretended to look outside the windows.                                                                                                                               

              “Oh geez, that is her. It’s Lauren.” Harry whispered to himself. Lauren made her way to the counter and gave her brother-in-law a hug. Harry’s body temperature grew. He clenched his fist. Who is this guy? He thought. He saw them talking, they were making light conversation and then the man that had served him last night pointed upstairs. Lauren made her way upstairs and disappeared. A couple of minutes later, Harry’s takeouts arrived at his table. He paid the kind waiter and left JUJO’S bitterly. He had hoped that he would have mustered up enough courage to go and talk to Lauren. William was fast asleep when Lauren had reached the small room upstairs. Julia ushered her to return back to that reserved table, and she did so. Lauren slowly made her way down the stairs, trying not to make as much sound as she can humanly make. That night Lauren, Julia and John celebrated Lauren’s success and new life. JUJO’S was filled with happy customers as usually.

Harry arrived at his doorsteps. His legs led him to his new home whilst his mind pondered about Lauren. He was about to ring the doorbell until suddenly, Niall burst it opened and shouted;        

            “Harry, you’re finally here! I thought you were never going to come back with them food. Here mate, I’ll take them off your hands. Harry? You alright?” Niall’s excitement died down as Harry was still standing at the door.                                                                                                                     

             “Look Niall, take this and give it to Joy and the boys. Don’t eat it all mate. I have to sort some personal stuff out soon. I won’t be long. Tell Louis and the boys not to worry so much about me, I’ll be fine.” Harry quickly said and shoved the bags of takeout onto Niall’s hands. And he quickly ran off to the direction of JUJO’S. Niall looked puzzled and shrugged it off. He walked back and informed the rest of the boys and Joy of what had just happened. Louis texted Harry to be careful and Joy had called the security on stand-by. No one really knew what was happening to Harry, but Simon had informed Joy to not restrict the boys from their freedom just because they were now famous but he did advised Joy to keep them safe and protected.                 

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