14. Everything I touch, turns to stone

Start from the beginning

"Hey Andrew. I think theres a problem with the bunk list" I said as he stopped confused and turned to me

"Whats wrong with it?" He asked taking a bite of the BBQ ribs that seemed to be holding his attention more than I was.

"I'm not on the list for a bunk" I said frowning as I showed him the first and third lists.

"Yeah you are. You're on bus two" He said before taking another large bite of his dinner.

"Wait what? Why?" I asked

He just shrugged in response.

"You're essential to the band and all that so they figured why not put you on the same bus. You should be excited. Their bunks are bigger" He laughed patting me on the shoulder before walking away to his own bus.

You've got to be kidding me.

I sighed pacing for a few moments before deciding to just walk around and explore til it was late enough that everyone would be in bed. So that's what I did. I walked around the entire venue exploring the nooks and crannies of it all. When I had exhausted just about all options I finally went back to the bus to find it dead quiet. I made quick work of taking a shower and changing into a sweatshirt and some joggers for comfort.

I finally felt a little more at peace and slide into the assigned Bunk that was mine. I set up my area sliding my luggage into the back space and pulled out the blankets, phone charger and anything else I might need before settling in for the night. I was casually listening to the music quietly trying to distract myself when I heard the door open and everyone's voices pile in.

Crap. I figured they were all already in bed.

I looked at my watch seeing that it was past 1 in the morning but apparently they had no concept of sleep. I shook my head turning my bunk light off to seem a little more conspicuous.

"Hey y'all up for a movie before bed?" Zac asked getting a round of yeahs as I heard them pile into the back

"Hey wait up a sec" I heard Hayley tell someone

"Whats up?" Joey answered back. They were a mere few feet from my bunk as they talked quietly.

"Have you seen her? I really need to talk to her before things blow up" She said somberly

"She's been running around like crazy today. I think she's knocked out already. Sorry Hayles." Joey replied quietly as Hayley audibly sighed.

"Don't worry alright? It'll be fine. It's Alex." He comforted her before shooing her into the back for the movie.

My heart sank. Was she talking about me? I knew I shouldn't have been eavesdropping but how could I not? My heart was pumping faster than I'd ever felt before.

I began taking practiced deep breaths, counting in my head like I had trained myself to in an attempt to calm down. This time it worked. The last thing I needed was to have a panic attack in the bunk and explain that it was because I was eavesdropping on their conversation.

I shook my head pushing it deeper into my pillow and forced myself to try and find some sleep. Whatever tomorrow would bring I would be prepared.


I fought to sleep for hours but only managed to drift off every few hours. I found the only solace in reading a bit and even send a nice email to Milo to keep her updated about what I was doing. It was the least I could do. We barely spoke now a days but she always knew when to turn up and had always given the best advice so I wrote.

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