And when you meant stare, you meant really stare, like high key not even blinking and just watching his every move.

"Y-Y/n, I'm fine, you don't have to keep staring." Namjoon had said with an uneasy smile, he was getting quite uncomfortable.

You shook your head in protest as you pointed towards his bandaged palm. You frowned at the events that had caused it to happen, so without thinking, you had grabbed the wrapped palm into yours so that you could caress it.

"Y/N, it's only a little scratch. It'll heal in less than 2 weeks." Yoongi said behind your sit. He didn't say anything but he was getting just a bit jealous that you haven't been paying much attention to him lately.

Namjoon nodded in agreement at his hyung's statement, while slowly pulling his hand back.

"You can caress my hair though! Like how you used to!" Hobi inputed in with his heart smile once he noticed the small frown you head.

You had smiled a little at the actions your hyung was trying to comfort you. You nodded at the idea but soon kind of regretted it once you saw Hobi climbing his way towards your seat.

"Yah! At least take off your shoes!" Jin yelled while Hobi successfully managed to make his way onto your lap. He grinned at you and began snuggling onto your chest with his head laying on your shoulder.

You chuckled at the tiny tickling feeling you had when Hobi started giving kisses all over your neck, so you had to pull his head back onto your shoulders in order to ruffle his hair.

"Being this cute is illegal." You heard Tae whisper to Jimin behind you but you decided to ignore it.


"Cute!" Tae yelled in excitement as he bounced around the Line Store.

"This is Kook." He said as he pulled a Cony from the shelf.

"This is Namjoon-hyung." Jimin said, joining Tae, as he pulled a Brown plush.

"And this is Jimin-ssi!" Kookie laughed as he took out a Sally.

You laughed along with the rest as Jimin started chasing Kookie around the store. You were currently being carried by Hoseokie. And you were really curious on how strong could Hobi be because he had been carrying you for awhile now.

"Hyung, aren't I heavy?" you questioned him as you looked up at his eyes.

He shook his head in response, "Nope, pretty light actually, are you sure you have been eating?" He questioned suspiciously before starting to eye at every part of your body while lightly gripping you for good measure.

"It's alright hyung, I'm still eating." You responded back, and you could see that he had relaxed a bit.

"Now then everyone, if you could please sit over here." The staff said as he gestured towards a cafe like table full of pillows for comfort with markers and drawing pads placed on the tables.

Everyone had slid into a seat with Hobi placing you down in between him and Jungkook.

"Alright, you guys can start drawing anything you want as your Line Character and in the end we would have you guys discuss it with our professional drawers here." The staff instructed.

You and everyone else started flipping open to a blank page before grabbing a marker in the basket.

"Hm, I think I'll draw a horse. Do you guys know how to draw it?" Hobi said as he looked up at the professionals that were there.

"Hyung, just look in a mirror." Jungkook teased.

Everyone laughed at the comment while Hobi scolded your twin. You had to secretly tap his knee under the table to calm down because they were still on camera.

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