Chapter 12: All In A Month

Start from the beginning

Arthur on the other hand could only hug his poor pillow tightly to his chest, planting his face to it and screaming.
He mentally slaps himself repeatedly for his ridiculous action but at the same time he couldn't help it. He felt so ridiculously happy.

"Man... I can't wait for tomorrow..." They both mutter in unison, smiling before they let sleep take over.

Arthur's Side:

*Next Day...*

Arthur woke up groggily. He slept really late last night and couldn't study at all. He sighs as he gets out of bed and heads downstairs, where he sees his angry older brother, Allistor, glaring at an uncomfortable looking Alfred in their living room.

Once Alfred's eyes landed on Arthur, his figure relaxes and he smiles brightly. "Arthur!"

"Back off Arthur!" Allistor commands and Arthur raises a brow. "What the hell is going on in here, Allistor?"

"Don't you see? It's the douche who made you cry three years ago and he just randomly comes here at 5:30 in the morning!" Arthur sighs. "Allistor, you made me cry ten times as much everyday," Allistor huffs, getting out of the sofa.

"And besides, Alfred and I made up. The real question is: When the hell did you get home?" Allistor opens the refrigerator and grabs a random bottle of beer from inside. "I came in at 3 am just to see how you guys are doing around here."

He sips on the bottle and Arthur snickers. "Well, that doesn't give you the leverage to just glare at anyone who comes up to the front door to see me." Allistor glares at him and Arthur simply heads to Alfred's side.

Alfred laughs nervously. "Allistor's back I see."

"Alfred, may I also ask what you're doing here so early in the bloody morning?" Arthur questions once he's sat across Alfred. Alfred nervously scratches his neck, blushing a bit, "Well, I was so excited to see you again that I came over to see if you wanted to ride to school together."

"Oh." Was all Arthur could say. His cheeks tint a bit as well and he couldn't help but clear his throat. "S-sure. Just give me forty minutes to eat and all."

Alfred nods, smiling and Arthur quickly runs to the kitchen to eat the pancake his mother had left for him before leaving for work.

A whole month passes by and Arthur and Alfred's as close as ever.

Alfred and Arthur played the video game on that promised weekend. Alfred was just laughing at Arthur's angry commentary and multiple sips from his tea.

At school, Alfred quickly invited him (and Gilbert)
to sit with the guys in which Gilbert very much approves but Arthur refuses, simply liking his table. And so Alfred agrees that he'll sit with Arthur every once in a while (in which Alfred doesn't like the "once in a while" part but it's what Arthur wants).

Arthur eventually warms up to Antonio because he's gotta admit, he's quite the gentleman, helping him with arranging the books during his shift at the library. Arthur would also start to appreciate Antonio's taste in books.

Back to Alfred, he would push  Francis off his chair to sit with Arthur during their Math class of which Arthur finds humorous. (poor Francis) Well, maybe with almost every class they have together Alfred would either bribe or push off the person and Arthur would find himself laughing everytime.

What's most intriguing to him is Gilbert, who seemed to just have been all over the place.

At one point during Arthur's Library work, he sees Gilbert happily talking with Elizabeta at one corner of the History Section. Arthur knows that Gilbert's a cheery, narcissistic guy but it's the first time he's actually seen him calm and naturally boyish. And sometimes, he would find Gilbert at the door frame during History class just spying nervously at the Hungarian teacher.

Eventually, Arthur gives in to his curiosity asks him about his behavior and Gilbert simply replies with "Well, an awesome guy like me is just naturally close with teachers! It's my attempt at getting better grades!"

Arthur takes a sip from his tea, placing it down gently right after. "But you don't have any classes with Ms. Héderváry."

Gilbert flushes pink. "W-well... she's friends with a couple of my teachers and she's really nice and all so she might help me get better grades. That's all!" Gilbert defends, his voice shaking and Arthur just rolls his eyes.

"Gilbert," Arthur begins and Gilbert pouts. "Why don't you call me Gil?"

"Gilbert, don't lie to me now. I've been observing you and you just seem to be all around Ms. Héderváry." Gilbert's eyes open wide, still he says nothing.

"You try to hide it and honestly anyone who turns a blind eye won't see it, but I don't and I've observed that you've been acting extra chummy with Ms. Héderváry." Arthur smirks as Gilbert chokes for a second. "Just tell me what's going on and maybe I'll even lend you a hand."

Gilbert then turns to him, his face scrunching together. ""

Arthur's face twitches. "Cmon, Gil, tell your friend what's going on~"

"NO! ART, I THINK YOU'RE A COOL GUY BUT NOO!" Arthur leans closer, a horrifying expression on his face only freaking Gilbert out more.

"AHAHHHHHH! OKAY OKAY! JUST STOOOOOP!" Gilbert surrenders, weakly hunching down and Arthur smirks at himself.

"Totally not awesome back there, Art."

Arthur leans on his chair, looking over at Gilbert with eagle eyes. "Speak. Do you have feelings for Ms. Héderváry?"

Gilbert stutters. "...I g-"



Arthur huffs, seriously that guy...!

"ARTHUR!" Arthur feels arms wrap themselves on his waist, lifting him up from his seat..

"The heck??" Arthur squeaks out.

"You've had your fun with him the whole lunch period so let me spoil myself with a small hug!" Alfred cheerfully exclaims, hugging
Arthur tightly. Arthur blushes red, "A-ALFRED P-PUT ME DOWN!"

"Arthur's right, Alfred. Place him down. You'll see him after practice anyway." Antonio intrudes, a hand on his hip. Matthew follows behind him.

Arthur could feel Alfred pout  behind him. "But if I let him go,  he might get taken away."

"Alfred, that doesn't make sense." Arthur mutters, a small smile on his red face.

"Well, if you want to be late and get red marks with extra scolding from Mr. Geography-Is-The-Key then I suggest you let go now and head for class." Antonio says and Matthew laughs at it. "Antonio's right, Arthur's probably suffocating beneath your grip."

That makes Alfred gently place Arthur on his seat. He then sits beside Arthur, a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?I didn't crush you or anything, right?"

Arthur exhales a breath. "I'm good, I guess."

Alfred frowns. "I gotta head to class now. I'll see you later after practice." Arthur nods.

Then they all head to their respective classes.

I'm gonna be posting some chapters about some stuff that's happened in the 1 month timelapse and it'll be called like: "An (character's name) Chapter! (part number)" So tune in for those. I enjoy writing those because they give more insight about things hahahah.
Btw, thanks to Ogxsavy for adding my story to your reading list! It makes me pumped up and especially now that my story's reached 376 reads! Like, dang that's alot! So thank you so much for finding this story and for making me a happy lil shroom.

Just had a minor change because I decided that I won't add the creepy vibe thing in. Lucky you, I just made my story much longer HAHA.

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