Chapter 9 Dance

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There had been interesting events going on with squad 13, for example:The Klaxosaur that trapped Goro in Delphinium and had to rescue him. They have been killing more Klaxosaurs and more faster than any squad. Right now squad 13 are in the living room talking about how many Klaxosaur they killed.

Zorome:"You should have seen me and Miku kill that Klaxosaur with ease"

Shinji:"Until you got covered in Klaxosaur blood"

Everyone began to laugh, then Shinji notices that Zero two is getting closer to him. During this time, Zero two has beginning has been getting a way from Hiro and getting closer to Shinji. Then Nana come in.

Nana:"I have news for you"

Shinji:"What is it?"

Nana:"We are going to visit the city"

Everyone gets surprised and excited.

Nana:"Papa and the others haves seen how much you improve and decided to give you a reward and we are going tomorrow"

Nana leaves and everyone is excited, they are going to visit the city. The next day everyone is in their uniforms and they enter the elevator and they see the city, the squad looks at the city amaze by it's appearance. Shinji notices that Zero two is not happy looking at the city and then she begins to hold hands with Shinji, he gets surprised by this.

Zorome:"The city"

Shinji:'Zero two, what is going on with you...... This feels familiar, like I did it before with her. Her hand, it feels warm and nice'

The elevator stop, snapping out from his thoughts, he looks around seeing only neon orange in the buildings. There was something that it weird him out, it was the people. They were wearing the same clothes and their faces, they look empty like there is no emotions in them. They arrive what appears to be the city hall and they see the president of the plantation waiting for them. 

President:"Welcome parasite to the city, we are honoured to have you here"

Nana:"Thank you, very much president"

 The president looks at Ichigo.

President:"Are you the squad leader?"

Ichigo:(Nervous)"Yes I'am the squad leader"

President:"We are grateful that you protected our plantation from the threat"

Later the squad begins to leave, because the meeting with the president was rather short as they leave, they could see a little about the city, Shinji was thinking that something is wrong with the people here and he remembers the usb that Toji and Kesuke gave him.


Shinji put the usb in the computer it begins to load until a video appears and Kaji is in the video.

Kaji:"Hello Shinji, if your seeing this is that you, did it you actually killed all of the angels. But this isn't what it looks like, NERV was never meant to save the world. NERV has being manipulated by SEELE, an organisation that believes that we should let angels get their planet back but your father wanted to destroy it, just to get your mother back from inside unit 1 by becoming god. I want you to forget, forget about Tokyo-3, the angels, the EVAS, your father. You need to become a new person to move forward, good bye and find your new path, good luck"

The video ends and a tear is almost coming out of Shinji's eye.


Shinji remembers Kaji, he was to him like a mentor, they arrive at the elevator and they get in, then Zero two starts getting closer to him, Shinji starts getting nervous.

Shinji:'I don't know what is going with her but she is getting too close to me lately'

When they get out of the elevator, Hiro notices that someone is missing.

Hiro:"Where is Zorome?"

Everyone looks around and sees that Zorome is not here, later when they arrive to their dorms, they begin to do whatever they want, Shinji was walking in the forest until he saw an opening and he sees some short of plaza with benches and in the middle a fountain. He hears some footsteps he hides behind the bushes and he sees Zero two dancing. Shinji stares at her in amazement.

(Shinji POV) 

She is beautiful. Every time that I look at her she is so serene and yet good looking even with the horns on her head, I find her proudly beautiful. But.... I feel like I met her before.

(Third POV)

Zero two stops dancing and she sees Shinji in the bushes, looking at her.

Zero two:"Shinji, what are you doing here?"

Shinji begins to get blushes on his cheeks.

Shinji:(Nervous)"WELL! I.I...I.I. I saw you dancing and I stare at you to much"

Shinji look down with shame still blushing as he looks down, Zero two walks to him and then she grabs his hand, Shinji looks at her and Zero two smiles.

Zero two:"Shinji shall we dance?"

Shinji:"I don't know how to dance"

Zero two:"Then I'll teach you"

The two of them begins to dance, Shinji was following and Zero two was leading, Shinji had some difficulty at first but he was doing good and they dance for a while, until they stop and they look at each other their lips close to each other they could feel their breath.

Zero two:"Shinji, you did good?"

Shinji:(Blushing)"Thank you"

Zero two:"You know, when we were at the beach I told Darling that a kiss is a declaration that the other person belongs to you and you should only kiss the person you love"

Shinji:"What does that mean do you..... Like Hiro?"

Zero two:"I did kiss him when I arrived here but I don't love him"

Shinji gets surprised by her revelation.

Shinji:"Then why do you call him darling?"

Zero two:"I once met a human boy, that he made a promise to me that when we get out of the garden, he said that he will be my darling"

Shinji:"You been looking for him, didn't you"

Zero two:"Yes, and I did find him"

Shinji gets shocked.

Shinji:"Then, where is he?"

Zero two smiles at him and she pulls him closer.

Zero two:"He is right in front of me. Darling"

Then Zero two kisses him while they are alone.


Shinji:"I was the boy, that made the promise"

Nana:"I think it's time for a partner shuffle"

Zero two:"So shall we go, Shinji"

Kokoro:"Don't think that he is better than you, because he is just a normal person"


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