Chapter 9 (DITE Part 2)

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The members of squad-13 were sitting in living room of their home, Shinji and Zero two have told the rest of squad-13 of what happened to the Nines. The members had different expression on their faces some looked shocked, some looked scared.

Mitsuru:"Just.... What have we being fighting against all this time?"

They all felt the same, they had just discover that the one leading the Klaxosaurs is being similar Zero Two and the now transformed Shinji. Shinji Ikari then says.

Shinji:"Maybe we have being fighting against the planet itself, but from what Alpha told us the Klaxosaur Princess maybe the last of her kind"

Goro:"Just what is this Klaxosaur Princess?"

Zero two:"From what Alpha said, she is what Dr. Franxx called Klaxo sapiens. They are race that evolve from Dinosaurs and live Millions of years ago in the planet, but somehow they all went extinct expect for the princess"

They all begin to take in all the information that they had heard, Shinji then gets up and looks at everyone.

Shinji:"So do you guys have anything you want to do?"

The members of squad-13 all look at Shinji wondering why he said that?

Zorome:"Why are you saying that Shinji?"

Shinji:"I mean today could be..... Our last time we get to be alive"

They all realize what he meant, the final battle is right behind them and they might not make it. They all think on what they should do now that today is last peaceful day they will have, then Shinji told everyone.

Shinji:"Let's spend our last peaceful time together, let's do everything together"


Shinji nods and continues.

Shinji:"Let's do things that we love, have fun, spend time with those dear to us... Let's enjoy probably our last peaceful time"

So the squad go to do anything to spend their time, Shinji and Zero two are now together in their room. Zero two is seen drawing, Shinji recognizes the drawing as an exact copy of the beast and the prince book that they read.

Shinji:"Amazing they look just like the one we read together, how did you do it and also what happend to the book?"

Zero two:"I ate it"

Shinji was shocked at what she said.

Zero two:"I ate it, because I didn't want to forget our time together. It was imprinted into me"

Zero two look at him with a smile and she said.

Zero two:"...Shinji..."


She gets close to him and she look at him as she opens her lips once more.

Zero two:"If we survive the final battle, do you think we can..."

She looks away embarased of what she was about to say, Shinji asks her.

Shinji:"We can what?"

Zero two:"... Do you think we can start a family?"

The young man is shocked, he begins to think of what his lover say. The thought of having a family has never came to Shinji once in his lifetime, but thinking about it he sees what it could be. He sees a traditional Japanes house in a forest full of life, he imagines himself making breakfast he sees Zero two kissing his cheek from behind, he sees his children, he can see the peace that they are having. Outside of his daydream, Shinji is smiling he turns to Zero two and he holds her hand and he says.

Shinji:"Yeah, let's have a family together"

As they get closer to each other their horn touch each other and the two kiss.


Kokoro is about to go to sleep, she sees 9'α standing outside her room holding and reading the book about babies that she found during their time on the beach, Kokoro got nervous.

Kokoro:"I-I Can E-explain!"

9'α:"... You know, you need to hide things better"

Kokoro:"Y-you aren't going to tell anyone"

She says as she calms down.

9'α:"I don't care since I have being cast aside by Papa and the other"

He says as he gives her back the book and he walks away. The members of squad-13 are all doing their own stuff, Ikuno is sitting in the entrance of the house, Zorome is talking with Futoshi in their room, Hiro, Goro and Ichigo are discussing what are they going to do after all this is over and Mitsuru is thinking in the green house. In the lake we see Kaworu and Rei walking while talking.

Rei:"... You seem happy that Shinji is okay with his new situation"

Kaworu:"Yes, it always makes me smile when Shinji is happy"

Rei:"You know.... It's actually really strange for everything to be alright"

The last of the children of Adam is intrigued with what Rei said.

Kaworu:"What do you mean?"

Rei:"You know what I'm saying, I know that you had lived multiple lives"

Kaworu is surprised and she asks.

Kaworu:"How did you...?"

He looks at Rei for a moment and then he realises.

Kaworu:"Oh, thats right you discover that you are in fact Lilith and with the fruit of knowledge you discover of my power as Tabris"

The Angel touches the back of his neck as he reflects on all of his past lives.

Kaworu:"Ever since I met Shinji in my first live, I was fixated on him. I guess you could call it love at first sight, I was very different in my first life I did some nasty things, after my first live I began to go through different paths, I have being his friend, brother in arms, lover and his enemy in my many lives. I did many things so that I could see him be happy, but after coming back to live I was.... confuse"

Rei:"What confuse you?"

The last of the Angel then looks up to the stars and he says.

Kaworu:"I was confuse on why did fate give me a second chance in this life to help Shinji. I didn't deserve one since my time was done, I still don't understand"

Rei:"Maybe we don't need to understand, because that destiny we don't know what our choices will lead us"

Rei the holds Kaworu's hand and she asks.

Rei:"I hope we can get along in this life time"

Kaworu then smiles and he says.

Kaworu:"Yes, I hope we can"

Back with Shinji and Zero two

Shinji and Zero two are seen sleeping naked with only the bedsheet to cover them, Zero two is sleeping on top Shinji. The two of them are sleeping peacefully, because when dawn comes the final battle will come.

Author notes:The Next Chapter is going to be the last Chapter in the story. I hope you have enjoyed this story so far.

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