Chapter 8 (DITE Part 2)

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Ichigo:"Is this true?!"

Ichigo asked in concern to Nana and Hachi as she sees the heavily damage nine's Franxx. Nana then says to Ichigo.

Nana:"We found it like this after it came with two of them injured and one dead. The Nines were supposed to head to the Gran Crevasse to destroy we knew we would lose communication. What defeated the nines wasn't just an ordinary Klaxosaur"

A concerned expression grew on Ichigo, worried that the upcoming battle might be more dangerous than originally thought. Hachi then turned to Ichigo.

Hachi:"For now you should rest and the rest of Squad-13, you are dismiss Code:015"

Ichigo leaves the room and when she leaves Nana asks Hachi something.

Nana:"Have we heard something from the council of APE?"

Hachi:"No... They have being quiet ever since the attack from Code:000 universe and when we started helping the outworlders settle near Plantation-13"

It was clear for the both of them that this conflict is coming to it's end and whatever happens in that final battle they will face it.

Meanwhile in the camp

Shinji:"Come on, come on just a little more and.... There we go"

He says as he finishes putting down some boxes with supplies in them, the young man thanks Shinji for helping as he leaves we see that the containers are being use as homes for the EVA pilot candidates. As Shinji walks through the town he sees Zero two.

Zero two:"Oh! Darling!"

His girlfriend walks towards him and they greet each other with a kiss.

Zero two:"How are you doing?"

Shinji:"I'm doing fine, I just helped Kyoya a few moments ago"

He says they begin to walk back home, Zero two then asks him with a worried tone.

Zero two:"How is everything with the Shin Evangelion going? It's not warming you or anything?"

Shinji responds her question.

Shinji:"My sync ratio with the EVA has obviously risen sharply. When I look with the EVA I feel that the EVA's eyes are mine, when I move the EVA I feel that is actually my own body moving, sometimes it feels like I'm wearing another skin"

Zero two looks at him concerned for his well being.

Zero two:"... Darling"

Shinji:"But, it's nothing to worried about, but still I'm getting use to having these horns.... I think I look weird"

He said with a honest smile, Zero two giggles at Shinji statement at his new status as a Human with Klaxosaur blood as they head home.

Meanwhile back in Mistilteinn

Kokoro and Ikuno are taking care of the two remaining Nines, Alpha is the only who is awake. Delta is still not waking up, Alpha looks at Kokoro and Ikuno.

9'α:"... Why are you taking care of us?"

He asks confuse at why Squad-13 is helping them.

Kokoro:"Why not? We can't just let you be like this forever"

Ikuno:"Plus you two can still help us"

9'α feels pathetic at himself he thought him and his squad were invincible until, she show up. The sound of the door opening is heard and we see Shinji and Zero two, Shinji looks at Kokoro and Ikuno and asks.

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