DITE Gaiden Ichigo and Ikuno

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Squad 13 is taking own Conrad-class Klaxosaurs. Delphinium stabbed one of the few that were left, Ichigo breaths in relief that this was one of the last ones, she looks to see the rest of her squad has taken care of the rest. As they were about to leave, another Klaxosaur came out from underground and was about to attack Chlorophytum.

Delphinium:"Ikuno! Watch out!"

But before it could latch on the Franxx it was slashed in half by the Super Evangelion.

Shinji:"Ikuno, Mitsuru are you two alright?"

Chlorophytum:"We are alright, thanks for saving us"

The EVA nods in respond, but something that no one notices was that, Ikuno's Franxx was slightly blushing.

Later back at plantation 13, Ikuno's POV

I'am Code:196, Ikuno I'm a member of squad-13 and there is someone that I love and that person is, Code:000 Shinji. As I'm walking I turn to one of the windows and I see Shinji reading a book outside in the garden, I was always admired the knowledge that he has, but the one thing that I'm the most grateful that he has done was, giving my name I came out to see Shinji and I salute him.

Ikuno:"Shinji-kun, good afternoon"

Shinji:"Oh, Ikuno how are you doing?"

Ikuno:"I'm fine, I'm glad that you were able to kill that last Conrad-class before it could harm me. By the away, what are you reading?"

He shows me the book and he says.

Shinji:"This is a novel adaptation of a film called, 'Blade Runner' I'am a big fan of the film"

Ikuno:"What is it about?"

Shinji:"Well it happens in the future and it's about this person who hunts rogue human like beings. The doctor gave this as a goodbye gift, after we left the garden"

I enjoy every time we talk, sometimes I wish that he was partner.

End of POV, with Ichigo

Ichigo is seen taking a bath as she relaxes in the water. She cannot help but to think of Shinji, the boy she loves. But she feels bad that she didn't notice that last surviving Klaxosaur, suddenly the door of the baths open and Ikuno comes in.

Ikuno:"Oh? Ichigo I didn't know you were here"

Ichigo:"Ikuno, how are you doing? That Klaxosaur didn't do anything bad?"

She asked in a worried tone and Ikuno responds with a reassuring tone with.

Ikuno:"I'm fine, Shinji managed to kill it, before it could lay a finger on me"

There is a moment of silence, neither one saying anything. So Ikuno opens her mouth and she says.

Ikuno:"Ichigo..... You like Shinji also, don't you?"

The leader of the squad is surprise of what Ikuno just said.

Ichigo:"How did you know?"

She asked in a shocked tone, Ikuno responds with a little smile.

Ikuno:"Back at the garden, I notice that you always look at Shinji with that look in your eyes. The same ones that I have every time, I'm with Shinji and also because I knee you were stalking him"

Ichigo:"Y-you knew!"

She said with a shameful look on her face and a nervous tone. Ikuno chuckles at the reaction, but it soons silence. Ichigo then asks.

Ichigo:"Why didn't you tell your feeling for him?"

Ikuno:"Oh? I do intend to tell him, but I want to tell him when this war is over or when we..."

She didn't dare finish that last part, Ikuno then hugs her legs and says.

Ikuno:"I'm afraid, that you might steal him from me one day"

She says in a sad tone, Ichigo the approches her and she hugs her. Ikuno is surprised by her action.


Ichigo begins to caress her hair softly and she says.

Ichigo:"I don't care if you or I get him, I want him to be happy. Let his heart decide who he wants in his heart"


Shinji is seen taking care of the plant for Kokoro, he hears the door opening he turns and sees Ikuno, she had a nervous expression in her face.

Shinji:"... Ikuno?"

Ikuno gathers all her courage to say, what she wanted to say.

Ikuno:"Shinji, I...... Always admire you and...... Love you as you are. I'm glad that I have meet you, thank you for being a great friend"

Shinji stays silent for a moment he knows this a partial confession, but he let it slide and played along. Shinji smiles and he says.

Shinji:"Thank you Ikuno, those words really made my day much better"

Ikuno smiles back, glad that she was able to partially tell her feelings, from the distance Ichigo heard the conversation and smiled satisfied, knowing that her friend was getting there. 

Play GAME CHANGER by Takami Hiroyuki

Author notes: I'm back! This something that I really wanted to write. You guys might be wandering what I have being doing.... Well, I finally got crunchyroll and I got to watch some my favorite anime of 2021 So i'm a spider so what? and I also have being watching............................................. JoJo. Well see you next time, Ciao.

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