Final Chapter

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There is silence in the wasteland the only sound heard is the wind then the Earth begins to shake, something big was coming. We see a plantation riding towards the Gran Crevasse, more plantation begin to show up these were the last plantation that were able to make it towards Klaxosaur territory this plantation surrounds the Gran Crevasse. This was the final battle that will decide the fate of the planet.


In the deck of plantation-13, squad-13 are being inform of the plan for the final battle.

Nana:"We along the other remaining plantation will begin the final attack on the Klaxosaurs"

Hachi:"This is the plan that we have being given..."

On the screen it shows a map of where the Gran Crevasse is and the plantations that are surrounding it.

Hachi:"The plan is for all franxx to march towards the Gran Crevasse, it sounds like suicide. However the doctor, gave us a task very different from the other plantations."

After they hear this the members of the squad all look surprise, Shinji then asks.

Shinji:"So... What is Doctor Franxx's plan for us?"

The screen then shows Plantation-13 moving to the other side of the Gran Crevasse while the battle takes place in the front of the Gran Crevasse, Hachi then explains Doctor Franxx's plan.

Hachi:"When the battle starts squad-13 will infiltrate inside the Gran Crevasse. The Doctor believes that there is something hidden inside there.... It could be a new breed of Klaxosaur or.... A weapon"

Goro:"... A weapon? Why would the Klaxosaur have a weapon?"

Zorome:"Why would the Klaxosaur need a weapon if they are already weapons with legs?"

Mitsuru:"We shouldn't take our enemies lightly Zorome, they have being around the Earth for millions of years. Who knows what they have being doing inside there?"

Nana:"We shall begin to move way from where the battle will take place, prepare yourselfs once the fight begins our infiltration shall begin"

Later Squad-13 and Toji and Kesuke minus Shinji and Zero Two are hanging out in the hangar bay near their machines, the members then notices a futuristic tank like vehicle with the franxx and the three EVAs.

Futoshi:"What is that?"

Goro:"That is the machine that Hiro, Suzuhara-san and Aida-san will pilot"

Ichigo:"Wait you two are also going to fight, why?"

She asks the two of them.

Kensuke:"We want to pay Shinji back for all the things he did in Tokyo-3"

Hiro:"By the way where are Shinji and Zero Two?"

Toji:"Oh them? They are having some alone time you know since this could be the last time they see each other"

???:"We would like to join too"

They turn and they see Nine Alpha and Delta, Alpha is now wearing and eyepatch because he is missing an eye due to his battle with the Klaxosaur princess. Squad-13 is surprise to see Delta is awake.

Hiro:"Delta you are awake!"

9'α:"She woke up last night, thankfully her force connection with Klaxosaur princess didn't affect her"

9'δ:"We want to help you since you took care of us after our defeat"

After she said that squad-13 were glad that they got more allies on their mission, suddenly they feel the plantation stop they realise that they have arrive at their destination. Shinji and Zero two enter the hangar.

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