Chapter 23

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"I would like to offer my agency to you and your assignment for a week" Director Collins says.

I look at the worn out boys. Bags underlining their eyes from exhaustion of being hunted "only a week?" i ask.

Lillian nods "yes Agent Sparks. I have extended it from 4 days due to the fact that Talia was once a close friend"

"Yes, we will leave in a week" i inform her as formally as i could "but i do have one request"

The Directors gaze looks at mine filled with curiosity "and what request is that?"

"I want your Analytical Agents to dig up files on a Mr Patrick Sparks" i tell her. Her eyebrows are raised at me "yes" i nod "I know he is my asswipe of a father and i know that this dweeb is my brother"

I hear Lou clear his throat "I take offence to that"

Turning my head toward Lou i give him a quizzical look "which one, Lou? The asswipe or the dweeb?"

A pout cross's his face and i stand up triumphantly "if you want" Lilian starts "i can print off some papers now on him and get the Analytical Experts to dig deeper?"

I give her a nod and walk over to all the frames that hung on the wall. The boys muttered to themselves but i could feel Harry's gaze flicker to me on occasion.

Hanging above all the frames was a golden plaque that had 'Legends' written in black script. The frames date back to the 1800's. The frames covered about about 15metres of wall space and as i walked down them, names became more familiar as i went.

Samuel Dyne - 1975 (CIA)

Diana Green - 1976 (SAO)

Benjamin James - 1977 (FBI)

Talia Roberts -1978 (SAO)

I let out an audible gasp "Talia was one of the Legends?" I ask Lillian.

A small smile plays upon her lips "kept reading dear" I continue reading names of the agents off of the frames awe.

Greta Sanderson - 1981 (FBI)

Ender Lane - 1982 (SAO)

Once i read the next name that was framed i feel my while body tense. I rest my hand on the frame, tears threatening to fall. The woman in the photo had light brown hair, and tanish skin. Her blue eyes sparkled and her smile looked perfect.

Harper Sparks - 1983 (SAO)

"She was amazing, your mother" Lillian said "she had a fighters spirit and a beautiful heart"

I turn my head and see Lou standing next to me "that was her?" he asks softly "that's our mother?"

"Yeah" i croak out "thats her"

Continuing down past Lou who was still hung up on the photo, i read the frames.

Calum Knight - 2010 (FBI)

Sarah Fields - 2011 (SAO)

Brianna Lewis - 2012 (CIA)

David Pine - 2013 (CIA)

Ashayln Sparks - 2014 (SAO)

In the picture, i am in the SAO training room with Josh Vann. He was my biggest competition and my best friend. Our arms hung over each others shoulders.

"I thought they were giving the title to Josh Vann?" i tell Lillian "why did the comity decide to give it to me?"

Lillian smiles and walks over to me "it was going to be given to him, but when the comity heard you ran off with 1D to a safe house against any orders they liked the initiative you showed" handing me the papers i shake my head.

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