Chapter 16

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"Louis, have i ever told you how much i love you...big brother?"

"Don't pull that trick Ashayln. You covered my face in soggy bread? Like seriously! Who even does that!"

"I gave you a facial, you know, the fibre in the bread rejuvenates the skin and tones your pours"


"No shit"

Sprinting around Lou, i race down the halls with Lou hot on my heels. Sliding down the stairs banister like a pro, i run into the lounge room and scramble behind Zayn "what exactly are you doing Ash?" he asks.

"Lou is going to kill me because i put Niall's soggy bread in his face" i tell him "and now Lou is going to kill me"

Zayn folds his arms in front of him "why would you even do that?"

I shrug "the fibre rejuvenates the skin"

He quirked an eyebrow "and does it?"

I shrug again "do i look like a beauty therapist!?" I shoot back.

"Step away from Zayn" Lou says as he wanders around the couch and i shake my head really fast an grip the back of Zayn's shirt tighter.

"You know" i start "i am a special agent that could kick you ass"

Lou's grin widens, if thats even remotely possible "but you won't because you don't want to hurt me"

I lean me head back and groan "your right"

Lou makes a dash towards me and i shove a squealing, yes squealing, Zayn into Lou and take off towards the kitchen. Running to the fridge i grab a few eggs i shut the fridge. Turning around i see Lou wide eyed with the rest of the boys watching from the bar stools "you wouldn't!"

I send him an evil grin "ohhhh but i would" pulling my arm back i through an egg at Lou hitting him right on the side of his head as he makes a mad dash for the cupboard. He grabs flour and chocolate sauce with a menacing smirk. He put the bag on the island and throws both the sauce and flour at me. Grabbing all the eggs and milk i through more eggs as well as the milk at him. I find maltase's in the fridge so i rip them open and through them at Lou making him scream.

He opened his mouth as i threw them ceasing his attack on me "umm guys?"
Liam i interrupts "i think Niall in gonna go into shock"

Swinging my chocolatey hair around i see Niall watch all the food on the ground in horror "you just killed food" he mumbled.

I look to Lou and he looks a bit guilty "sorry buddy, but she started it!"

I feel my eyes widen "you started chasing me! If anything its your fault!"






"Ye-" I'm cut of by a camera flash and a smirking Harry.

"What? Its brother and sister bonding" i shake my head.

"Okay, I'm going upstairs and having a shower. Lou clean this up" i tell him as I start going up the stairs.

"No! I want a shower too!"

"Clean it Lou!






"Shut up!" Liam yells silencing us "i will clean it up"

I bolt up the stairs "thank you!"

So what do ya think?



You all know the drill!

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