Chapter 18

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Finally, i finally kissed him. I felt the fire in my stomach spread through out my body. It was like Harry made every single cell on my body start jolting with just this one kiss. It was scaring my how much my body and mind was reacting to him. Every touch his hands made on my arms lit up with little explosions. Reaching up, i tangled my fingers into his brown curls, making him smile into the kiss. This only made me smile even more. His hands rested on my waist as i pulled him closer.

Every bone in my body was telling me to stop, that this was wrong and i will only be hurting him in the long run. But i couldn't fight the feelings i felt for Harry any longer. No, i am sick of fighting. I just was to melt and follow my heart for once, and thats what I've done, and it feels great.

I have fallen for him and thats that.

We break the kiss due to the lack of oxygen. Resting our foreheads on one another we smile through our heavy breathes "you have no idea... how long... i've wanted... to do that" Harry breathes out grinning into my eyes.

" I may... have a clue" chuckling, Harry presses another quick kiss to my mouth before pulling back "so what now?" I ask him as Harry grabs my hands between his.

"Well, Lou will kill me if i ask you to be my girlfriend" Harry says slyly.

"Then i would kill Lou" i tell him simply "i have plenty of mildly tempting reasons" i state "it wouldn't be difficult to choose one"

A smug grin takes over Harry's face "Ashayln Sparks, will you be my Girlfriend?"

Nervous butterflies break out in my stomach as i wrap my arms around his neck "i will love to be your Girlfriend, Harry Styles" i quickly pressed my lips to his again. The kiss held a lot more passion than the other. I felt it consume my senses and i couldn't concentrate on anything around me. Only Harry's lips that move in sync with mine.

But bad things happen to good people, and that bad thing goes by the name Louis Tomlinson- "am i interrupting?" -who has awful timing, Always.

Breaking the kiss, i glance over to a skeptical Louis "whats up, Lou?"

He scratches the back of his neck "Liam want to talk to you, Ash"

Before i can reply Niall and Zayn both pop their heads around Louis "about fucking time!" Niall shouts causing Louis and Zayn to cringe from the proximity.

I look to Harry to see he is already watching me for reassurance and i wiggled my eyebrows making him laugh "yeah, were official"

Niall fist bumps the air and wanders off somewhere (probably the kitchen) and Zayn shoots me a suggestive look before wandering off "where is Liam, Lou?" Lou leans in the doorway watching Harry.

"He is in his room, down the hall" nodding i give Harry a peck on the lips before brushing passed Lou and shooting him a 'don't kill him' look and i skipped off to find Liam.

Knock on the door, i cautiously open it to find the room messy and dark. Liam sat in the middle of the bed hugging a pillow and staring at a piece of paper "Liam?" walking over to the bed i sit on the edge and glance at the paper.

You have tried to run

But that has made me mad for you will ruin all the fun

I am the predator, and your the prey

Your the third, Liam Payne

Let the hunt commence

My body froze up and i felt myself struggle to breathe "When did you find this?" i asked Liam with an edge to my voice.

"I found it on the door step taped to the mat when i took out the trash" Voice void of emotion, Liam looked up at me "what does he want Ash?"

Grabbing the note, i stiffed it into my pocket "i will sift through it Liam" I tell him pulling Liam into a hug.

Standing up i walk for the door "Ash?" spinning on my heel, I look back to Liam "thank for trying to protect us, but i don't think you can for much longer" my muscles tense and i shut the door behind me.

Shuffling to my room i couldn't help but feel like shit. Liam's right, i couldn't protect them forever. I will slip up someday and that could cost one of the boys their lives. Letting out a frustrated groan i sit on my bed and roughly tug at my lemony hair.

As realisation dawn on my face i let out a sarcastic sigh.

Bitch want to play a game?

Oh...I can play a game.

Bitch wants to play rough?

Well I can put in a hospital.

Bring it, Dad.

How did i do?



It will mean alot!

Chaotic Evil, Protecting 1D FanficWhere stories live. Discover now