Chapter 19

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Parking the car in the Airport, i let out a frustrated sigh. Kissing the steering wheel I rest my forehead on the grip. Today we are catching the quickest flight to... okay... I have no clue. After taking a picture of the note i scraped it and order the boys to pack their shit. Whilst the boys slept I stayed awake, living off of caffeine. After they piled into the car this morning i grabbed some equipment from the house and explained to they the note.

Grabbing my suitcases from the trunk, i locked it up and ran my hands across the bonnet, tears flowing from my eyes "im so sorry baby. But this is the right thing to do. I promise we will meet again someday. Just be patient.
I love you baby" wiping away the tears i stepped into Harrys waiting embrace "i feel like I'm killing my child" i mumble to him as he entwines our fingers.

Walking into the entrance of the Airport Harry sends me a reassuring nod "its okay, Ash. You can do it"

Discreetly I press the code into my phone and then re lock it. As we approach the booking counter there is an explosion in the parking lot that makes a crowed gather around the entrance to see what is happening. I catch Lou's eyes and he sends me a look that i can easily read it had to be done mixed with an i will buy you a new one look. Faking a smile i look at the attendant who is looking outside "hello miss, where is the first flight out of here heading to?"

The woman turns her gaze back to us before she start typing things into her computer "the first flight out of here is heading for Barcelona in 10 minutes" she says.

Looking at the boys i can already tell what they are thinking.

Hot Girls + Bikini's = Fun

Ladies and Gentlemen, the logic every guy runs on... "great, how much are the tickets? No return airfare" i ask politely getting out my purse.

"6 tickets will be $7, 350 please" Pulling out the money smugly, i hand her the money. The woman also took our luggage and stored it under the plane, minus the carry on.

We easily got past the scanner thing, except me. Maybe next time i should just listen to the officers and take of the small metel objects. Curse me laziness! They pulled me aside and i saw the guys getting nervous "whats the problem?" Harry asks.

A bulky guy grabs a body scanner "i just want to give her a quick scan son" Harry looks at me unsure but i just shrug and hold out my arms.

The man starts at the top and swiped down until the buzzer goes off. Pulling my hair back i reveal my ears
"I've had my ears pierced"

He continues down until he reaches my bellybutton. He looks at me expectantly making me roll my eyes and pull my shirt up a little "another piercing"

The man swipes down so its level with my... area. The buzzer goes off and the officer looks a little shocked. Groaning i look towards the boy's. Liam, Zayn and Niall are bent over in laughter with a horrified looking Louis next to a smug/confused Harry. Turning back to the hesitant officers, i reach into my pocket "they're my KEYS you pervert!" I shout wiggling the keys in front of his face.

The officer turns the buzzer off "give the lady back her stuff" rolling my eyes i snatch my stuff and strut back over to the boys.

"That guy looked like he wanted to arrest you!" Liam said as we headed over to the waiting area.

I make an unattractive snort "im an Agent. Its against his policy to arrest me"

"Unless you dint have your badge" Niall corrects.

I know it wasn't that good but i have this stupid test i need to pass called OLNA
and if i don't pass it by year 12 i don't graduate.
Pretty bogus if you ask me!

Do any of you readers have a test you think is a complete waste of time and effort?



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