Chapter 31

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"Oh my god Niall! You missed the turn!" Liam moans running his hands down his face out of sheer annoyance.

The boys and Estella were currently taking turns at Driver on the PlayStation 3 whilst I sat and watched silently, valuing these moments knowing that in less then three hours I will be on my way to sort out Patrick. "Niall your turn was too wide!" Estella shouts along as Niall concentrates on the road, softly swerving his controller and the car.

I laugh with everyone as he slams full speed into a truck making Niall throw the controller at Zayn in anger "I blame the car" he mumbles, folding his arms in defence.

"Your turn to step up the the plate Ash" Zayn comments holding out the controller for me to take.

Groaning I stand up "I wish I could but I better get back to Harry" I comment. Checking the time I note it is 9:24pm "we kinda got into an argument before I left so he is probably waiting for me so I will see you guys later" I tell them all. Shrugging everyone waves at me as I force my legs to carry me out the door.

Biting my lip I try to collect my raging emotions outside my hotel door. God this was a lot more difficult then I thought it would be. If it was this hard to say goodbye to Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Estella how much more worse will it be to leave Harry? Letting go of a deep breath I twist the handle quietly and enter. Everything seem like how it was when I had left earlier with both Lou and I's possessions strewn across the place. My black sock covered feet silently carried me over to the bedroom door and I opened it to reveal Harry's figure curled up underneath the covers.

Walking closer to the bed I notice his back was to me and on the further side of the bed. Moving slowly I try to unnoticeable slide under the covers but that proved to be a waste of time when once I have fully wrapped myself under the covers, Harry turns into his back and his eyes are fully focused on me. "I didn't think you would come back here" he murmurs, obviously hurt. Hurt that I had caused, and that made me feel like shit.

"I will always come back to you Harry" I tell him. Hesitantly I raise my hand and stroke his curls "wherever you are is home".

His green eyes shut as I continue to play with his curls. I could see his expression is the rooms moonlight that filtered through the curtain constantly tensing as though he was deciding what to say. After a few quiet moment I feel his arms wrap themselves around my waist and I am engulfed in his sweet scent that I can't ever put a finger on "I'm sorry I broke your phone" Harry tells me "and I'm sorry I called you crazy".

Smiling I find myself entwining my legs with his as I wrap my arms around him "I'm sorry too. I should have been more open with you" I tell him.

"We can discuss it in the morning yeah?" Harry mumbles and I felt myself go back into guilt mode as I responded with a simple nod. Jesus I am such a bad person. "I love you so much Ash, I just don't want to see you get yourself hurt on my account".

Swallowing the lump of guilt that was stuck in my throat I bring one of my hands up to his jaw and press my lips to his, savouring the sweet taste as well as the tingles his lips always left on mine. Opening my eyes I look into his eyes "I love you Harry, I don't have a lot of people to love" as I speak I see his emerald eyes spark as he listens intently to me "but your defiantly enough for me".

Placing a quick passionate kiss against my lips I let Harry pull me tightly to his chest as he whispers "goodnight love" into my ear. Sighing inwardly I let myself be cuddled by Harry as he falls asleep, prepared that this may be the last time I can be with him. After letting one tear escape I allow myself to drift, knowing full well I will have to leave in less than a couple of hours.



It's deafening as I suit up into my agent gear. Harry is lightly snoring as I finish lacing up my combat boots. Under my black leather jacket is a black singlet, leggings and combat boots. Knives are in my boots and my gun in his holster, hair neatly tied up. Going over to the nightstand I tear a piece of paper from the pamphlet the hotel provides and write:

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