Chapter 39

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Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's came and went. Halloween was about the same as the year before. I dressed as a MILF and Edward dressed as a DILF.

I wore a short skirt and a cute top that covered my belly. Edward wore a pair of lose fitting jeans that hung on his hips and a plain white tee. He was smoking hot. Of course we role played.

He acted like he was picking me up from a bar or something. He was telling me how beautiful I was, and how he wanted to get with me. I ended up laughing more than anything. It was a very fun and memorable night.

Irina, Ang, and I made Thanksgiving dinner and I loved it! We had so much fun cooking.

My parents came, and Edward's family came as well. When Carlisle first showed up, Edward was on edge, but after a while there were so many people around that he didn't need to talk to his dad. Esme, of course helped as soon as she arrived.

It was one of the best Thanksgivings ever.

Christmas Edward and I spent at my apartment. He said since I had my own place we had to celebrate. We woke up Christmas morning, and opened presents. I know he was trying to make the day extra special for me, but I was happy with a small and simple Christmas.

Edward bought me a hoodie that said 'hot mommy', and I loved it! It was the best thing he bought for me. It had thought and meaning, and that was what mattered.

I had no clue as to what to get Edward, so I bought him gift cards. His laughter filled the room and his smile was huge.

We spent the late morning with his parents and then the afternoon with mine. We all agreed that we would spend the next year at our house so everyone could see Charleigh on her first Christmas. It had always been just my mother and I and now I had this huge family. Once Charleigh was here, I would be complete.

My days were passing faster and faster. My life was changing rapidly, and once again, I didn't know how to deal. I moved back in with Edward two weeks before I was due. I wanted to wait until the New Year.

Edward thought I was crazy, but once I gave him my reasoning, he understood. Even though he said I was being kind of superstitious, he let me have my way. I wanted to wait for the New Year, because that was the start of something new. In my opinion, that was what we needed.

I was shocked Edward never pushed for me to move in sooner. He kept to his word. Once in a while, he would say something along the lines of how he felt, though, and I knew he was reminding me of how much he loves me.

Even though it took me a few months to move in, it didn't stop us from setting up the room for Charleigh. I can honestly say we both had fun working on Charleigh's room. It turned out just like I had pictured it.

Edward was in full baby mode, and that meant I couldn't do anything. He wanted me to stay in bed all day, and I wasn't having that. My days would have gone by so slow if I would have done as he asked.

I was still doing the pay roll for Charlie, but he said that was all he really needed me for at the moment. I had a feeling Edward had something to do with that, but I didn't question it. I knew Charlie wanted someone he trusted to do payroll, and I was glad to be that person.

Charlie and Renee were frequent visitors at our house. I was ready for the baby to be born. Everyone would stare at me when I would get up, or touch my belly, or groan when the baby would move.

I would tell everyone I was fine, and they would let out a breath of relief.

I did go to the family dinner on the Sunday after Edward and I were back together. Edward went with me, but I knew he was uncomfortable.

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